Alex walked out of his room at the yelling, coming down the stairs.  "Twirly," he called, ending her shrieking.  "What is going on?"

"The manor is being invaded by goblins!" she said bitterly.

"They're here about the wills, Twirly.  Take him to my study."  She nodded, taking him that way.  "Draco!" he yelled.  "Visitors!"  He came trotting down the stairs.  "We're being invaded by goblins."

"Interesting image."  They headed into Alex's study together, shaking hands with their goblin representative.

"Boys, thank you for humoring me."  He laid out the paperwork.  "There was one other will that was hinging on a child or no children.  Do you plan on having children, Mr. Birmingham?"

"Not a bloody clue," he admitted.  "I'm not sure I can't taint one."

He made a note about that, and about the boy's age.  That got sent back into his briefcase and back to the Legal department through the small portal in there.  He looked at them both.  "The Legal department has decided that the other wills are invalid since there are no other heirs and no way to know if your future includes offspring. Therefore those three ancient wills are now null and void."  Alex nodded, grinning a bit.  "That does leave you with about seventeen vaults however."  Alex winced and he nodded.  "Indeed.  I understand wanting to keep the various vaults separate so you can sort through them but the fees would get out of hand quickly.   We do have a solution.  We do have complexes that each other vault is sealed off.  That way you could separate them out.  Even the ghost in one of them."  Alex leaned back, putting his feet up, waving him to go on.  "It would cheaper on the rental fees.  That could eliminate about ten of them, which would leave your new one and this family's vaults."  Alex nodded slowly.  "Should you consider putting them all into a complex vault, the same could be done. Or we could simply lock one up with the dark arts materials you stored with us."

Alex looked at Draco.  "That last sounds better," Draco admitted.  "What is the rental fee for those?"

"Usually a hundred gold a year."  Alex raised an eyebrow.  "We can waive it for the next seven years, which would give you ample time to consolidate the gold further.  That way you may be down to one complex at that point.  Or we do have the option of a larger complex vault.  We have one that has nine chambers."  He handed over the inventories.  "As you can see, most of the ten inheritances are only gold."  Alex nodded, scanning the list before handing it to Draco.  "Are you naming him manager?"

"No, but helps me.  I don't understand all this stuff.  What's going to be the best option?"

"Personally?  I would move the greater amount of gold in the gold-only vaults into one.  That would eliminate eight of the ten.  The others have things like pictures.  You could put them separately in a single complex along with the others you already have, except for your Hogsmeade vault.  You could shift all the money together and even use a smaller complex if you wanted.  Bigger chambers, but less chambers.  We have one that would rent for fifty gold a year and again, it would be rent free until you graduated due to these circumstances."  He took the list back from Draco.  "It is your choice."

"Draco? Do you think anyone would get really upset?"

"No.  I'm not sure why your Grams didn't do that.  Other than to say I've got six vaults at Gringotts."  Alex nodded.  "I can ask my mum if you want, or Potter."

"Is he still here?"

"Resting," Alex told him. "Twirly?"  She opened the door. "Please get Harry and Sirius up?  They've got stuff to do with this goblin as well.  Also, is Auntie Narcissa available?  I wanted her opinion on something that could piss some people off."  She nodded, going to get them.  He grinned at the goblin.  "She yells at the school's house elves too, says they're lazy since I lost some weight."

The goblin shook his head. "Many house elves are that loyal."  He looked in his briefcase. "Ah, the Legal department has answered.  They're going to vacate that will as well."  He handed over that decision, watching the young man smile.  Harry tapped and walked in, getting a wave.  "Mr. Potter.  We have the inventory and the keys you need."  He handed them to him, then another folder to Sirius.  "Those are for the Black family."

"There's more than me."

"Yes, but you are the head of the family. You decide who does and doesn't have access."

"Ah, wonderful."  He smiled at his godson. "I'm feeling a bit vindictive."

"I would too," Alex assured him. Narcissa knocked then walked in.  "Auntie, why did my aunt have so many vaults?"

"So she could say she had them."

"Would it piss off anyone if I consolidated?  I'm paying atrocious fees for vault rental and they've got a new complex open."

She shook her head.  "I don't see why not, Alexander.  It's wise in the monetary sense.  It costs you much less to do it that way."  She came in further, taking the list once Alexander nodded that she could.  "Oh, my.  No wonder!"

"And those are just the inheritance ones, Auntie.  That's not to mention the seven we have in the family.  What was suggested was that I consolidate into a smaller complex vault.  Put all the ones that are just gold together.  Put the ones with other things into separate chambers, then reserve a chamber for the dark arts stuff I stored down in the family's original complex vault."

"It is a wise move," she assured him, handing it back.  "Her having so many was mostly for status."  Alex nodded, smiling at her.  "Is that why you keep taking my poor son?"

"He's got a much better head for this than I do, Auntie."  She smiled and nodded.  He looked at the goblin.  "Can we just change numbers so we won't need new keys to the larger complex?"

"I'm afraid not, but it can be done tonight," he offered.  "I can get you keys tomorrow.  Nothing should be that desperate?"

"The party is paid for already," Narcissa assured him.

"Then we can do that.  How many are we talking about?" Alex asked, sitting up at her frown.

"The bigger complex would be more reasonable.  The smaller one you'd have to dig to get into the gold chambers."  He scratched behind his large ear.  "That one for fifty gold a year would do for that and a single vault for the dark arts materials would be better anyway since you worry about radiation."

"What's in there?" Sirius asked.

"Don't ask.  It's a long damn list.  It made my father shudder openly enough to shake his robes," Alex said seriously.  He looked at the goblin.  "We could do that and get the new keys tomorrow?"  He nodded.  "Then let's do that.  It does make more sense.  Also, I suppose I'll have to make out a primary will?"  The goblin nodded.  "By when?"

"Within the month if you could.  We do not like to have that sort of gold lying around unclaimed."

"That's fine," Alex agreed, smiling at him.  "I thank you.  Feel free to use my study to talk to Harry and Sirius."  He got up and walked out with Draco.  "Wow.  I'm really rich."

"Nearly as rich as I am," Draco teased, punching him on the arm.

"Ow," he complained, punching him back.

"Boys.  No one looks good in bruises," Narcissa reminded them as she walked out and closed the study door.  "Draco, your father claims you had him thrown out of the bank?"

"No, I had him thrown out when he tried to butt in," Alex told her firmly.  "He's a nosy bastard and he doesn't need to know what I'm worth.  Unless you're giving me Draco for my holiday present?"  She shook her head, but kissed him on the cheek.  "Shoot. I need a boyfriend, someone to talk to and play with.  Someone who cuddles for now."  Draco gave him a hug. "Thanks."  He gave him a squeeze back then let him go, both of them straightening their shirts out.  "Auntie, why did I suddenly want to be petted all night when I learned how to change forms?"

"You did what?" she asked.  He grinned and looked around before changing down.  Then back.  She gasped and hugged him, squealing like a little girl.  "Oh, I'm so proud!  Alexander, that's wonderful!  At your age that''s really wonderful!"

"Draco helped me by brewing the potion and helping me research," he admitted, grinning at his buddy.  "Didn't you?"

"I did," he agreed.  "McGonagall was quite pleased as well."  His mother got off Alex and hugged him, making him a happy boy.  "Thanks, mum," he said quietly.  "Now, why does he like to be petted?" he asked once he was free.

She smiled.  "That's elementary human nature, my boys.  He never had anyone cuddle and pet him when he was younger. Since he's found it, he craves it."  Alex looked stunned, then nodded once, shaking his head a few times.  "It'll work out fine, Alexander.  You'll find a wonderful wizard who likes to pet you as often as you like in both forms."  She pinched his cheek then went to tell Sirius the news.  He knew but wasn't mean about it.

"There is being no shedding on Marsette's rugs," Marsette yelled from the upper hallway.

"Yes, dear," Alex called fondly.  "Sorry.  I need brushed again."  She glared at him and he shrugged. "I do."

"Not you.  Marsette speaks to Mr. Doggy Black."  Draco snickered at that.  "He is!"  She went back to her cleaning.  She hated animal fur in woven rugs.  It always stuck.

"Sirius, it sounds like we both need brushed," Alex called.  "Marsette said she hated us shedding."

"Twirly not seeing any dogs," she said from behind him.  Alex grinned and changed.  She squealed when he changed back.  "You be doggy man!"

"Actually, I'm a wolf," he offered with a grin.  He grinned at Draco.  "He helped me."  He strolled off with Draco.  "Should I even bother trying to wrap your present this year or hiding it?"

"Give it to me after the party. I should be able to hold off that long," he offered with a grin.  His father came out of the floo.  "Mother's in Alex's study talking with a goblin about her family's vaults."  He looked at Alex, then at his father.  "He's decided to consolidate the vaults so he doesn't have to deal with so many keys.  Seventeen was just too much."  He walked Alex off.  "Do you think the black sweater or the blood red one?"

"Either's good for me," Alex promised, grinning at him.  "Lucius, what did I say about coming near me?"

"I only appeared to get my family and bring them home."

"Auntie," Alex called.  "Your spouse is here!"

"Thank you, dear," she called back, coming out of the study.  "Draco, are you coming home tonight?"

"Yes, he is," Lucius said firmly.  "The same as he is coming to *our* party."

"Now, dear, why would he want to be so bored again this year?" she asked, straightening out his collars.  "Draco should come to Alexander's party.  We've always liked Alexander and it was very sweet for him to ask me to help him so we wouldn't have to deal with a group of bored and angry children that night.  I think it's a marvelous idea to carry on until they're truly old enough to come to ours.  After all, even Alexander was bored last year and he's technically an adult."  Lucius sneered at that.  "Draco, I'll expect you to be good and behave until we come back the day of the party.  Alexander, do you know who's doing the reception line?"

"I am.  Harry is since he's officially my guardian.  I thought Sirius, Remus, and Dad could hide in another room until things got too loud.  Or Dad could do the line with me but he'd have to take stuff for the hives he'd get."  She smiled and nodded.  "Are Harry and I enough?"

"Of course, dear.  That's perfectly fine.  Remember to mingle a lot.  I'll try to pop around to check on you during the event, but my dear little boy is quite a good host.  He can help you if you get momentarily stuck."

"What happens if someone comes who isn't invited?  Like Pansy?" Alex asked, taking her arm to walk her back to the floo.  "Do I politely tell her off and tell her to come see you?"

"No, dear. You can hire a guard to check names before you greet them. Maybe even a herald of sorts to announce them so you can greet them by name."  She smiled.  "I like that idea.  I'll find you one tomorrow."  He nodded, smiling at her.  "If she does show up, he'll turn her away and if she raises too big of a stink, let her in but banish her to the garden or something.  Just ignore her like she isn't there.  There's always one or two crashers."  She stroked his cheek.  "Be a good boy and make me proud."  He nodded, letting her go.  "Coming, Lucius?"

"Fine," he complained, staring at his son.  "I'll expect you to come home sane, suitable, and still a virgin."

"I'm one now?" Draco muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.  "Mum, what constitutes a virgin by the family's laws?  Is it groping or not?"

"At your age, groping is too much," she said firmly.  "Tell me I don't have to talk to some young woman?"

"If you wouldn't mind," he offered, giving her a sweet smile.  "Miss Adama?"  She pursed her lips.  "Her second daughter is a year in front of me and keeps groping me.  I know the technical definition of virgin but I wanted to clarify it in for the family's meaning since father warned me to come home one."

She pursed her lips.  "Dear, just don't have sex and that'll be enough.  Not even with Alex."

"Not ready for that yet," Alex assured her.  "All I want is cuddled."

"If he wants to cuddle you, I wouldn't be adverse to it, but I will expect grandchildren some day, Alexander.  Keep that in mind, sweetie."  She disappeared through the floo, Lucius stomping after her.

Once they were alone, they broke down in giggles, leaning on each other.

"And I thought I was a pervert at that age," Sirius sighed from the hallway.  "The goblin left.  He'll be back tomorrow at ten since I told him Alex doesn't seem to like mornings."

"He's a night person.  He always has been," Draco assured him, smiling at him.  "My father told me to come home sane, suitable, and a virgin."  Sirius let out a high-pitched giggle, turning to pound the doorway in mirth.

Harry looked at them, shaking his head. "You're both insane.  Alex, take Ron.  His mum doesn't need grandkids."  He grinned at Draco's glare.  "She doesn't.  She said she wants some in another ten years or so."

"I doubt Weasley is suitable for Alex," he said firmly.  "Any more so than Gregory is.  Though he's not interested."

"Guys, Ron likes bushy haired girls apparently," Alex reminded them.  "Not an issue with the Ron."  Harry just grinned. "Unless he's confessed his deep, dark desire for my bum?"  Harry shook his head.  "I didn't think so.  Neville either."

"You definitely need someone better than him," Draco said firmly, walking Alex off to his room to talk with him about a suitable boyfriend and what one was.  Neither of the mentioned candidates were and he would not see his friend drug down by the wrong mate.

Harry giggled, grinning at Sirius.  "I told you he was jealous."

"Alexander is a good friend.  I'm sure it's staying there for right now.  But how about you, kiddo?  Any girls or boys you like?"  Harry blushed and shook his head. "Are you sure? No deep desire for someone like Hermione perhaps?"

"Eww.  No!"  He shook his head.  "That's gross!"  He walked off.  "I'm not ready for a girl yet.  When I am, I'll brag about my conquests."

"Thank you, godson, you just made me a happy man," he said with a grin, rushing up to tell Remus, hopping over the hair-picking house elf.  "Sorry, I'll have him brush me."  He opened the door.  "Remus, Harry likes girls."

"I'd expect him to like girls," he said dryly, smirking at him.  "Do you think I should?"

"I think you definitely should, especially with the low-brow talent we've gotten so far."  He walked in and shut the door, locking it behind him.

Harry came up the stairs with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk.  "Marsette, if anyone asks, I'm headed back to my room for a read and a nap.  Get me up for dinner?"  She smiled and nodded.  "Thank you, Marsette."  He went into his room and shut the door, laying down on his bed with some of Alex's comics.  He always let them borrow them before as long as they weren't ruined.


Draco fluttered past the receiving line, getting pulled in by Alex and hissed in the ear.  "I noticed.  I also called Mum to tell her she was here," he replied quietly.  "Just relax.  Stay with those you know.  She'd never get near your Gryffindor friends."  He walked off, going to compete in the board games.  He was fairly good at most of them.  He noticed the sign hanging up about the prizes, sneering at Ron when he caught him staring at it.  "Hoping for a Christmas dinner?"

"No, but my mum deserves something more than what I got her.  I was thinking a nice bracelet."  He grinned.  "Didn't Alexander tell you about the truce?"

"Oh, I knew long before you got here."

"Been hanging about?" Neville asked with a grin.  "This is a wonderful house!  I can see why you would!  I'm sure there's all sorts of hiding spots and things to do here."

"Usually," he admitted.  "I've been here on and off for years, Longbottom."  Alex came in and hissed in his ear again.  "Really?  Why?"

"She wants to chaperone."

"No bloody way.  Mum said she's to appear at hers."  He walked out with his friend. "Mrs. Parkinson?  I was surprised your daughter showed up but you as well?  I know Mum was looking forward to introducing you and Pansy to a more suitable mate tonight."  She looked stunned.  "Seriously.  I know she found a wonderful young man but he and his parents will be there, not here. That's one of the reasons why we're having this, so those youngsters ready to move up in the world are given more time alone."  Her face brightened. "I can find Pansy if you want to make her go change."

"Please, Draco. That's ever so nice of you," she offered with a smile.  "Mr. Birmingham, nice to see you again."

"Thank you, Miss Parkinson.  I hope you don't hold it against me but I couldn't doom either of us to such a loveless and barren match."  She nodded, patting him on the shoulder.  "Mr. Goyle.  Greg!" he said, moving to hug his friend.  "Come right in.  Aren't you going to Auntie Narcissa's party tonight, Mr. Goyle?"

"I was, but I wanted to look this one over before leaving Greg here," he admitted.  "May I?"

"Of course.  Greg, we're running a board game competition in a bit for some prizes.  That's in the ballroom.  The dining room has food and drinks.  The auxiliary library has some more of my comics set out.   Both studies and the main library are locked.  As are the rooms upstairs but the bathrooms.  Those have signs.  There's going to be a snowball competition right after dusk out back in the gardens, and then we'll have hot cocoa, and there'll be dancing in the ballroom later for those who want to."  He smiled and greeted his next guest.  "Dean, come in.  Put your coats in the closet there," he ordered, pointing at it.  "Don't forget it later, we'll be having a snowball fight."  That got a grin and Dean headed off to find his friends.  Greg and his father were wandering around and Draco brought Pansy back. "I'm sorry you couldn't stay with us, Pansy, but Draco said his mother's got something really special tonight for you.  You have a good time over there."  She smiled and waved, walking out on her mother's arm.  He checked to make sure they were gone, then slumped a bit, getting a pat from both Harry and Draco.  "Did you warn your mum?" he asked Draco.

"I did, and she agreed.  There would be a few decent prospects tonight who wouldn't care to wait until she's old enough, and a few other children as well."  He sipped his punch.  "Am I allowed to compete in the board games?"

"It's open to everyone and there's a few in there you've never seen, Draco."

"Fine.  Thank you, Alex."  He wandered that way.  "I saw Millicent."

"Really?  I thought she was spending the hols with the Flints," he called after him.  "That's fine though, I like Millie."  He checked the outside, then the guest list that was being magically marked off as people handed over their invitations.  He had to mark off a few who hadn't handed them over, but otherwise they were nearly done.  "There's only about ten names left," he offered.  He checked his watch.  It was still twenty minutes before the party should start.  His father showed up, finally, and he hugged him.  "Dad."

"Thank you, son."  He walked inside, looking around.  "You and Narcissa did a very good job."

"Mostly her and Twirly," he admitted with a grin.  "The house elves have been incredible during this."  He looked around.  "Greg's dad is around here somewhere.  He was checking things out before he left Greg with us.  Mr. Goyle?"  He came out of the auxiliary library.  "Professor Snape is here."  Snape shook his hand when he came over, walking off with him.  He looked at Harry again.  "Are you holding up okay?  You can get some punch if you want."

"I will once everyone's here."  He smiled at Hermione as she walked in.  "Hi.  Welcome to Alexander's house."  She kissed each of their cheeks and put her wrap in the closet.  "No parents?"

"No, they let me floo from the Leaky by myself," she admitted, smiling at him.  "It was nice to have the outdoor floo port."

"The indoor one never would have held," Alex said with a grin.  "There's board games that way," he said with a point.  "We're running a competition.  We'll be doing a snowball fight later as well."

"Thank you.  Punch?"

"The dining room," Harry said, pointing past he adults.  "They were in there putting on the anti-tampering charms."  She smiled and headed that way. Then she went to look at the board games.  Harry grinned at him.  "We might just pull this off."

"Yeah, and we've got plenty of soft places in case some kids get stranded because their parents are running late," he offered with a grin for his father.  "Mrs. Parkinson took her daughter to meet the very special people Auntie Narcissa called in to have her meet tonight."

"Wonderful," he agreed, smirking a bit. "Mr. Malfoy?"

"In with the board games, learning the rules."

"Ah.  Offering prizes?"  Harry and Alex both nodded.  "Very well then.  What is the entertainment calendar for tonight?"

"First the board games and the comics, with some music floating around.  A snowball fight after the board games are done, probably right after dusk.  Then some hot cocoa for those who want it while the ballroom is finished so we can dance and hang out in there."

"Very well then," he agreed.  "It should be a nice night."  He nodded at his student walking up with her mother.  "Miss Florian."

"Professor Snape.  Are you a chaperone?"

"Indeed.  Alexander asked me."

"Oooh."  She smiled and hugged him and then shook Harry's hand.  "Where are we starting?"

"Board game competition but I've got to warn you, Draco and Miss Granger are already in there gnawing at each other to win top prize."  She giggled and headed that way and he smiled and shook the parent's hand.  "We do have chaperone's here and all the bedrooms are locked securely against even us."

"Thank you, Mr. Birmingham.  That's very kind of you to reassure me."  She smiled.  "I'd best be off.  It was wonderful of Narcissa to talk you into this so we didn't have to drag Flora with us tonight.  I'll be back later."  She went back to the floo port that went specifically to Narcissa's party.   The other one went anywhere you called.

Alex checked the list.  "That leaves about six people," he noted. Snape snorted and rolled his eyes.  "It's my first event, I want to do it right."

"You're doing fine, Alex," he reassured him.  "In a few moments you can put a house elf here and then go mingle and mix.  Try not to win your own games.  It looks bad."

"I'm only going to cheer."  He smiled at the other students hurrying their way.  Narcissa was strict about her party and most of the parents would be heading there. There'd be a few stragglers, but that was fine.  "Welcome," he said, shaking hands.  "We're starting off with some board games and some food in the dining room.  Feel free to wander around.  Don't try the locked doors I made sure they're staying locked myself."  The parents smiled at him.  "The other floo port heads directly to Narcissa Malfoy's ball if you're going there," he warned.

"I hadn't been, but thank you, young man."  The parents left, heading home.

Alex checked his list.  "One last name."  He looked around. "Harry, it's Seamus. Isn't he coming?"

"He's got a cold so he wasn't sure," he admitted.  "I can floo him."

"Isn't he in a muggle household?" Sirius reminded him.  Harry winced and nodded.  "For now, we'll set Marstte out here and let her see if he comes or if anyone unexpected shows up.  Go mingle, you two."  Marsette was summoned and stationed there then they went to get some punch and some snacks before heading back to mingle and chat with those.

Alex went to chat with the people reading his comics, giving out cards to the place he had gotten them.  Greg just gave him a hang-dog look. "If you stay over tonight, I'll let you in rest of my stash in the study.  I can't let anyone in there, it's got the Gringotts stuff and my temporary will started."  Greg looked shocked.  "Yeah, there's money in the family," he sighed. "They demand it over a certain level.  Especially since we had to move vaults."  He winced a bit.  "So I'll let you in later.  By the way, stay late.  I've got your holiday present in my room."  Greg grinned and nodded, going back to his reading.  Alex wandered on, going to talk to others, regreet some of them, and cheer on the competitors.  Granger had of course arranged how everyone was going to play and who was keeping score on each game.  The tournament was in full swing when he got there so all he had to do was watch and cheer or boo when the Operation buzzer went off.

Periodically he got up to mingle, finding Seamus having a cup of cocoa the first time so he greeted him, nearly getting sneezed on.  He showed him around a bit, then left him to mingle.  The next time he got up to wander around and check on everyone, someone stopped him next to the door.  "Yes?" he asked the man standing there.

"Is this the Malfoy ball?"

"No, this is the Birmingham party for the younger set so the parents don't have to drag their children to a boring society event," he offered with a grin.  "I'm Alexander Birmingham.  Did you have a child here?"

"No, just checking.  I must have gotten lost."

"That's fine."  His danger sense was off the scale and screaming at him.  "Professor?"  Snape came out of the drawing room, coming over to him.  "He needs to go to Narcissa's and you said you wanted to check on her anyway.  Would you escort him? He seems to have gotten rather lost."

"Fine."  He looked at the man, then at his son.  "Behave until I get back.  The others are in the kitchen hiding from the music."

"Fine."  He smiled as the man walked off and paused his father.  "Something's not right," he hissed. His father nodded and left.  Alex closed the door. "Marsette, anyone who wants in, if they're a kid they're good.  If they're parents it's fine.  If not, I need to know immediately or tell Sirius.  That man was not correct somehow."  She nodded firmly at that. "I mean it."  She nodded again so he went to the kitchen.  "We just had an adult crasher who thought this was Malfoy Manor," he announced as he walked in.  Both adults and Draco stared at him.  "You're out already?"

"Getting some more punch.  I won my last game and I can't move to the next for another ten minutes.  What's going on?"

"I don't know.  I sent him with dad because something was really wrong.  That voice that used to scream at me about McNair and Vinnie's original stepmom just went off in my head like a banshee."  Draco went to call his mother from the fireplace in the study.  It was quiet and mostly empty in there.  Alex looked at the others.  "I told Marsette if anyone else showed up like to tell you and me."

They nodded.  "That's pretty wise.  Some people will hurt kids," Sirius agreed.  "Especially if their parents aren't their friends."

"Or just to hurt the children.  Why do you think he wasn't right, Alexander?" Remus asked.

"He was standing up straight, but his hands were stuffed deep in his pockets, even within the warmed area. His coat was open and he didn't have on a scarf or a hat, but his hands were like that.  Besides, he asked if this was the Malfoy ball.  Just like that, nothing else."  They both stiffened and he looked wary.  "What?"

"The Malfoys have more enemies than anyone else," Remus reminded him gently.

"Draco's calling his mother and I sent him with father."

"Your father can spot dangerous people," Sirius said, relaxing a bit.  "If worst comes to worst, can we put everyone up for a few hours?"

"Sure, not a problem.  I expected the dancing and fun to last until their parents started to show up around one anyway."  Both adults nodded at that.  "We've got more than enough rooms to put up my personal friends as well.  Vinnie and Greg both know they've always got rooms here.  Ron and his family are mostly here, but Percy, and they should be fine."

"Everything is great," Ron said as he walked in, grinning at him.  "What happened?"

"Someone odd just showed up at the door so we're making contingency plans," he admitted, frowning a bit.  "Nothing to be worried about.  He wanted Auntie Narcissa's party anyway."  Ron sighed and nodded, grinning again.  "I sent him with dad."

"Mate, your dad is a scary guy.  He's sure to spot any other scary people."  Draco came in.  "Everything okay over there?"  Draco nodded, looking calm. "Hermione and Harry sent me to find you.  Our game got done early."

"I'll be there in a minute," he replied.  Ron nodded, leaving them alone.  "Your father found explosives on him. He was stopped by the wards."  He took the drink Sirius held out.  "Thank you.  The aurors were watching anyway.  He was led away screaming about the Dark Lord returning in my father."

Alex hugged him.  "It'll be fine, Draco.  We can protect the kids and your parents can apparate before anything happens.  That's why we have wards."  Draco nodded.  "Now, go beat Granger at the next game and calm down.  Let us worry.  They know it's going on and so do we."  He nodded, heading that way.  He went to the door, looking down at his house elf.  "Can you tell explosives?" he asked quietly.

"No, but Marsette can tell dangerous people."

"Good.  Tell me and then Sirius if another one shows up."  She nodded and he went to back to watch the games, catching Harry's eye.  Harry came over to sit beside him, so he whispered to him.  Harry nodded and forced himself to relax as well.  "We'll handle it."

"Good.  Because I'm terrified," he whispered.  Harry gave his wrist a squeeze.  Marsette came in and got them a few minutes later and Harry went out, looking at the person in uniform standing there.  "What happened?" he asked, stepping outside.

"We needed to ask Mr. Birmingham about the man who showed up at the Malfoys," he said gently.

"He's inside.  Marsette, go ahead and get him."  She nodded, getting Alex from the games.  He came out.  "He needs to know about that guy who showed up here."

"He asked me if this was the Malfoy ball.  Just like that.  Nothing about the holidays.  He wasn't dressed overly well for the party. He also wouldn't take his hands out of the pockets, even out here."  The auror nodded, writing that down.  "My danger sense started to howl in multiple keys so I called Professor Snape, giving him a head's up and a reasonable excuse to lead him there.  They have more wards there and we've got the kids."

"I understand, Mr. Birmingham.  That's a very good idea..  I agree fully with that."   He wrote that down.  "Is there anything else you remember about him?  Anything that seemed strange?"

"No, just that I have a really good sense of danger.  It was screaming in so many keys, man."

"I don't want you boys to worry.  It should be all right.  No one else should be trying the same thing."  Alex nodded. "We're going to put an officer here and there.  So tell Mr. Malfoy as well since I heard he's here."

They nodded, going back inside.  Alex went to talk to Draco since he was free, getting a nod.  "So we can worry together," he said quietly.  Draco nodded and went to get something to nibble, something he did when he was stressed out.  Alex went to find his other buddies, finding them with the other Slytherins, gathered around Draco.  "It's all right.  They just put an officer there and here," he said quietly, glancing around.

"Why?" Millicent asked.

"A guy just showed up here asking for that party and he was making my danger voice scream."  They all shivered.  "He was caught by the wards there."

"With explosives," Draco finished quietly.  They all gasped.  "He was caught, we're safe."

"We are," Alex agreed.  "We've got an officer and they've got an officer.  We'll be fine and everything should be fine later on too.  Trust me, if someone comes here, they're facing me."  They nodded.  "So let's go pretend nothing is wrong and we'll let you call from the study throughout the night.  Just keep it cool. Not everyone here has parents there."  They all nodded, going to make subtle calls.  The others who knew kids who had parents there talked to their friends so they could get their calls in.

Alex herded everyone out after awarding the winners, Draco taking second place to Ginny Weasley, which shocked him to no end. Everyone got a snack on the way through to the backyard.  Most everyone got a second bite to eat on their way back from getting their jackets.  Then the snowball fight commenced.  The rules were simple, last man standing won.  It came down to the trio of Goyle/Crabbe/Malfoy and the Weasleys.  The other students cheered on their favorite house.  Goyle went down and Alex laughed, tossing a fun snowball at Draco.  Ron pitched one at him.  "Hey!"

"You've got to play too!" Ginny called, pitching one at him.  "Harry did!"

"Fine!" Alex sighed, handing off his mug of cocoa to his house elf.  Then he gathered up some snow and hit Ron.  "Since you wanted me," he said with a smirk.  "Still want me, Ron?  You sure?"  He hit the twins, knocking one down.  "Ha!"  Then he turned and hit Crabbe.  It came down to Ron, Draco, and Alex and it became brutal.  Ron tried to get out of one of them, then got distracted when the other one teamed up on him.

"Come on, Alexander!  Have some house loyalty," Ron complained, pelting Draco and ducking another of Alex's snowballs.  "New friends over old friends!"

"Fat chance!  I know shit on him that if I spill he'll never quit blushing!" Draco shouted, pelting Ron with a snowball in the face.  Ron fell gripping his nose.  He smirked at Alex.  "Do I win?"

"Hell no," Alex snickered.  He pounced Draco, getting him down into the snow to pelt him.  "Give up or else I'm going to tell about a certain dog...."

"Fuck you!"  He flipped over and got Alex on his back. "This isn't a snowball fight!" he complained, getting him back.  Alex bucked him off and made a one-hnaded snowball, getting him in the forehead, making him groan and bend over.  "Bastard!"

"No shit!  My mother was on the run, of course she didn't get married!"  He got him again then got up, dancing around.  "I win!"

The twins looked at each other, then at Ron.  Then they pounced Alex into the snow, making him one sorry Gryffindor for not sticking up for their brother.  "Only we..."

"Get to annoy Ronniekins," the other finished, rubbing snow in his hair and down his collar.

"Hey!  Keep it up and I won't give you any more ideas!"  He got away from them and got one down, then kicked the other lightly in the stomach.  Then he got them both with a bit of help from Draco, who was cackling in glee. Then he got Draco again and stood back up.  "I think I win!"  Everyone cheered.

Draco got up and pushed him down, walking over him as he headed inside. "The cocoa is inside."  Everyone headed that way, chatting and smiling.  Draco smirked back at the guys in the snow.  "Coming?" he asked.  He slammed the door.

Twirly came out and shrieked.  "Stupid boy stuff!   You is be getting inside before you freeze!"  She came out to haul the twins up and swatted them until they ran inside.  Then she got up Ron and then Alex, swatting them both.  "Stupid boys!  You freeze!  Bad yous!"

"I'm going, I'm going," Alex complained, heading inside.  "Twirly, get me that nice purple sweater.  Before I catch a chill."  He let Ron go first, then closed the door.  "Can I have some too?" he called.  Draco handed him one with a smug look.  "It had better not be poisoned.  Or else dad will be really pissed."

"There's no way I want to mess with your father," he assured him.  "Besides, I could easily make any antidote to anything that I could brew up."

"Point."  He stared him down as he took his first drink. "Better not be a love potion either."

"No, no potions of any kind.  Your house elves would poke me again," he said dryly, heading into the dining room.  "Is the ballroom ready?" he called.

"Yes, Marasette is saying it is ready," she called back.  "Music is needing to be started."

"Guys, there's music and dancing in the room where we were playing games," Alex announced. Everyone got more food and headed that way.  Sirius started the music and the kids got together to dance and chat on the floor.  It was clearly not dancing *together*, but the girls were dancing with the girls and the boys were dancing with the boys and it was all making for some happy kids before their parents could come back.  It was nearly one when most of the parents came back, taking most of them home. The core of his friends were still there, except the Weasleys because their mother had come at a decent hour to take them home.  Alex looked around at his friends, grinning and relaxing.  "Millie, call your mom," he called, waking her up.  "That way I know if you need to stay over."  She got up with a moan, heading for a fireplace to call.  He looked at Draco. "You're welcome to stay over," he said quietly.  "You and the guys."   He nodded, going to wake up Greg and Vincent.  He looked around. Harry was asleep in the corner on a stool.  He walked over there, but Remus waved him off, going to get his nephew himself.  He went to check the house, finding a few more kids.  He got them to the fireplace to call their parents at the other party, getting some irritated parents but a very thankful hostess.  He waved at Narcissa behind someone's back.  "I can keep the three twits here, Auntie.  Tell the Goyles and the Crabbes they're good and already sacked out."  She nodded, smiling at him. "I don't see anyone other than Hermione."  He went to wake her.  "Hey.  You're way late if you have a curfew."

"I was supposed to go home with Ron," she said with a yawn.  "I'm in trouble."

"You can try to call," he offered.  "The others are gathering their parents now."  She nodded, going to call, yawning the whole way.  She came back a minute later, shaking her head.  "That's fine. You can squat across from Harry.  Twirly?"  She came out of the ballroom.  "Go ahead and unlock a bedroom for Hermione, Vincent, Greg, and make sure everyone else goes home."  She nodded.  "Draco's staying too."  She nodded so he headed up the stairs.  "Night, all!  It was a great party!  See you at breakfast!"  He unlocked his room, then went inside, laying down.  He barely made it out of his shoes before he was asleep.


Remus answered the floo, frowning at the officer on the other end.  "What's happened?"

"It's the Malfoy estate," he said quietly.  "Is Draco there?"  He nodded.  "May I speak with him?"

"He's still asleep.  Let me get him up."  The officer nodded.  "Come through."  He got up and headed up the stairs at a run. He pounded on Draco's door before walking inside.  The boy was starting to wake up so he shook him.  "Draco, there's been something happened and there's a law enforcement officer here."  Draco stared at him.  "I'm getting Severus up.  Find some clothes and come downstairs.  Remember, we're here for you."

"Get Alex up," he said quietly.  "Tell him it's an emergency, it usually works."  He nodded, hurrying to get Severus up and then Alex.  Draco got up and ran his fingers through his hair, then put on his clothes from last night.  He headed down the stairs without his shoes on, frowning at the agent as Snape came down behind him. "What happened?"

"Are your parents here?"  He shook his head.  "They're not at home and I'm sorry, but neither is your home."

"How is that possible?" Snape demanded.  "What do you mean the house isn't there?"

"I'm saying this really bad but it's like the house caved in."  He stepped closer.  "We haven't seen any bodies.  We've done a search magically and in the mundane way."  Draco stiffened.  "We have no idea what is going on. Are you sure they're not here?"

"No," he said quietly.  "My father's not welcome in this house.  My mother might be.  Twirly!"  She came out.  "Are either of my parents here?"  She shook her head quickly. "Get Greg and Vinnie up, have them call home to see if they're there.  They're not at home and something happened to the house."  She popped off, going to wake them up.  "Alex!"  He came running down the stairs.  "Something's happened."


"The house was caved in?" Draco asked.  The officer nodded.  "I need to see it."

"You need to put on shoes first," Alex said quietly.  He patted him on the back.  "You're coming back here unless they're found."  Draco looked at him. "Want me to come?"

"Please."  Alex nodded, going to get everything so they could go.  He came back and found Draco putting on his jacket.  He handed him his shoes, then put on his own cloak.  Draco let Alex walk him back to the outdoor floo point, sending themselves to the doorway of the house.  Draco looked at the shell.  Half the walls were gone.  A few of the areas of ceiling were still standing.  He could see parts of the ballroom and the kitchen.  Draco clutched Alex's arm, looking around.  "What the hell happened?" he hissed.

"I don't know anything that could do that," Alex admitted quietly.  Draco turned and hit him.  "Hey!"  He stood up again, looking at him.  "I don't.  Not even explosives."

"How do you know anything about explosives?" Draco asked.

Alex shrugged.  "I don't know.  Probably something I was forced to study."  He dusted the snow off his cloak.  "Okay.  First, there's a person in a higher uniform than the guy who came to get you."  He pointed at him.  "We go badger the fuck outta him."  He looked back.  "Dad, check with Greg and Vinnie?"

"I'll be right back."

"Who are you?' the guy in the uniform called.

"Who the fucking hell are you, idiot!  This is my fucking house!  Where in the bloody hell are my goddamned parents!" Draco shouted, stomping toward him.  The guy looked alarmed.  "Where in the hell are they!" he shouted, grabbing him by the lapels and shaking him.  "Where are my bloody parents!"

"Mr. Malfoy!  Please!"

"Tell me!"

Alex casually strolled over, removing the hands.  "Draco, he has to breathe to answer," he noted quietly.  He stared at the guy.  "Before you say anything about an adult, I am emancipated.  I am Alexander Birmingham and Draco is my best friend.  Now, either you give him something about what has happened or he's going to go off again.  He loved his mother, and occasionally his father."  He stared the man down, making him flinch and take a step back.  He fell backwards.  Alex moved forward and helped him up, giving him his most intense stare.  "What happened and what is going on?"

"We really need someone who's a real adult," he said weakly.

"Dad!"  Professor Snape came back, walking their way.  "He won't tell Draco anything."

"I would tell Mr. Malfoy what happened to his father."  Draco turned to look at him.  "Your mother helped Greg's mother home.  She was quite drunk.  Her husband had shut her out of the bedroom so she stayed to sit up with her to make sure she didn't die of alcohol poisoning."  Draco relaxed, nodding and swallowing.  "Relax.  Question him about your father."

Draco turned around.  "What happened?" he demanded. "Where is my father!"

"We're not sure yet, Mr. Malfoy.  Did you have any dark magic artifacts?"

Draco let out a bitter laugh.  "We're Malfoys!  What do you think!"  The officer flinched and nodded.  He lunged over, catching him by the lapels again, shaking him.  "Where is my father and what the bloody hell happened!"

"Draco!" Snape yelled.  Draco let him go, watching him fall again.  "We will find him."

Alex headed for the house, finding the auror who had come for the journal.  "Name?" he asked calmly.


"Tonks, I'm Alexander Birmingham."  He shook her hand.  "I have a very sensitive focus on dark magic.  I sneeze.  This isn't dark magic."  She looked at him.  "This wasn't. Not the standard, British wizarding dark magic.  Otherwise I'd be sneezing my head off."

For some reason she accepted that statement and shrugged. "Okay.  What doesn't set you off?"

"Demonic.  Non-British wizarding dark magic.  I didn't sneeze at some Chinese some years ago but I did lightly at some Spanish dark magic."  She nodded, taking note of that.  He looked around.  "It almost looks like someone took a bite out of it."  She looked at him again.  "It does.  The hanging things are like the bits left behind when you take a bite."

She looked at him.  "Alexander, can you watch Draco for a few days?"

"Draco's one of my best friends," he said quietly.  "He'll be my brother."

"Thank you.  Now get out of here so we can test for demonic magic."  He nodded.  She went to get her boss from Draco.  "Sir, Mr. Birmingham told me what sorts of dark magic he reacts to.  He thinks it could be foreign dark magic or possibly demonic."

"We can test for demonic magic," Snape offered.  He looked behind him as Alex came back, handing Draco to him.  "Here, watch him."

Alex turned Draco's head.  "You're my brother in word and deed, you can be my brother in fact until we find him and your mum comes to stay with us.  Got it?"  He nodded, swallowing.  "I'm not sneezing," he said quietly.  "It's not our sort of dark magic."

"Demonic?" he asked quietly.

"It wouldn't be the first time," Snape admitted.  "He made some deals when he was younger.  I believe one was for his hair to always be lush, blond, and long," he offered dryly.

Draco glared at him.  "That's mean!"

"It's true," he countered. "I'm not going to say something nice just because he's dead."

"Point," he said weakly.  "I think I want to sit down."

 Alex called up a chair and helped him into it.  "There, you sit, be the princess you are."  Draco glared at him so he smirked a bit.  "What? It's taking your mind off it."

"I agree," Snape noted.  "Sit and wait, Draco.  Let us check for demonic magic."  He nodded, taking a deep breath.  Alex stayed beside him to keep a hand stroking his back and
hair. He looked at the auror waiting.  "Come along, let us check."  He walked off with her, going to the center of the disturbance.  "My son is correct, this looks like something took a bite out of the house."

"I can see what you two do," she admitted.  "The last spell spell?"  He nodded and they picked different walls to cast it.

"No, he would have done it in his study," Draco called, stomping that way.  They let him open it and then he backed out.  "Hell!"

Alex looked at it.  "Stupify," he cast coldly, freezing the demon.  "Dad?  Demon?  Hellhound."

"Points to the demonic definitely," Tonks agreed, heading into the ballroom to check in there.  "I got a positive match for demonic magic in here."

"What was he doing that he needed that much room?" Alex said in awe.  Draco hit him again.  "Sorry!  Just wondering!"  He looked at the hellhound, putting up his wand to start the banishing he had studied last year.  He moved forward carefully, chanting in a strong voice.  Draco and his father stared but eventually it did poof up and disappear.  He relaxed.  "Good.  Just like Grams."

"You did you do that?" Draco complained.

"Easy, Grams showed up my first year.  I made sure I knew how to counter her just in case," Alex told him, giving him a long stare.  He heard a howl and looked around.  "Shit.  Um, back away!  That wasn't a wolf!  That was dark magic!"  He sneezed.  "Oh, bloody hell."  He turned and ran, taking Draco back to the floo to the house.  They fell out the other side, his father tripping over him as he appeared out of the floo as well.  "That's it, I'm learning how to apparate," he groaned, pushing himself up.  "Draco, dad?"

"We're fine, he's on top of me," Draco groaned.  He looked at Alex.  "What was that?"

"Hellhounds.   Nasty creatures.  I can only banish one at a time."  He looked at his father.  "Aurors can apparate, right?"

"I heard her leave as I was running," Snape admitted.  "The idiot in charge I don't care about."  He got off Draco's back and dusted himself off.  "We should call someone."

"Greg, make sure your mom and Auntie don't head there!" Alex yelled.

"I already told them that," he said from the doorway.  "What happened?"

"Hellhounds," Alex moaned as he helped Draco up and stood up himself.  "I ache."  Draco scowled at him.  "Twirly, make some cocoa.  We could use the chocolate."  He helped Draco inside.  "Greg, go get your momma and auntie, bring her here."

"I can't.  Mom's not up yet," he admitted. "She was apparently really drunk last night."

"Draco?" Narcissa called.

"But your mom's here," Greg finished with a grin as Draco ran past him, pushing him aside.  He grinned at Alex, who had been pushed back down into the snow. "The elves have cocoa and breakfast laid out.  Need help?"

"Nope," Alex moaned, standing up and heading into the house.  He found Draco vowing to harm whoever had done that and clapped him on the back, taking off his cloak at the poking one of the elves was doing.  "Here," he sighed, sitting down.  Cocoa and breakfast appeared in front of him.  "Thank you.  Narcissa and Draco can stay here as long as needed," he told Gibbons, who was waiting beside him.  He nodded.  "There were hellhounds there.  Make sure our wards protect against that sort of stuff.  If not, call someone."  The elf nodded, going to check on that.  "And get Hermione up so she can go to the Burrow!" he called after him.

"Miss Squealy one already went there," Twirly said.  "She too skinny too but Misses Weazy seems to cook good.  Ron not too skinny."  She poked Draco.  "You eat."

"His house was just ripped up, Twirly.  Leave him be."

"Fine," she complained, adding more food to the table.  "Others up and waiting."

"They can come down.  I won't bite right now."  She nodded, going to tell them that it was time for food.  "I'm sorry, Auntie Narcissa. I managed one hellhound but I can't do a pack."

"That's fine, Alexander," she said quietly, soothing Draco's back.  "We'll be fine.  Thank you for your hospitality."

"Some of the house is still standing.  The rest looks like something took a big bite out of it."  She nodded, going back to soothing her son.

"I will kill that bastard if he did this to us," Draco growled, standing up.  "How can you all be so calm!"

"Easy. I'm taking a long range plan," Alex told him.  "I'm a fallback position and I told you earlier.  You're like my brother, Draco. You and your mother are more than welcome to stay here."  Draco punched the wall, continuing to growl.

"Draco, don't consider it destruction, consider it a chance to do some redecorating," she offered.  He looked at her like she was insane.  "There are many things I would have changed could I have.  Now I get that chance."  She noticed all the boys and Severus were all staring at her like she was insane.  "What's the downside really?  We have the whole family fortune.  We can make changes.  All the dark arts artifacts are now gone.  We'll both get full new wardrobes," she said, pulling her son closer again.  "We're free of Lucius forever, probably."

"Mother, I have the family fortune, you get the generous widow's pension," Draco told her.

"Surely you're not going to cut me off."

"No, of course not," he admitted.  "Just setting a fact straight."  He sat down.  "Mother, if the Ministry thinks he was doing this stuff all the time, they could try to confiscate the assets.  We could lose everything thanks to that bastard."

"Knocky, knocky!" a cheerful voice called.

"If that's a reporter, get rid of her," Alex ordered Vincent, who was nearer to the door.  He got up and went to do that.  He looked at Draco.  "I'm sure you're not going to become paupers, Draco.  I meant it. You're as close as my own brother to me.  You're always going to be protected."

"Then wouldn't your teasing and playing be incest?" Greg asked, eating a bite of toast.  Narcissa reached over and swatted him.  "Sorry, Aunt Narcissa."  He gave Alex a sheepish look.  "Sorry."

"No, it probably could be taken that way.  Hell, most of us are cousins anyway," he noted dryly.  "There's been too much inbreeding around here.  Inbreeding leads to little brains, little dicks, and irregular powers.  Who needs that?"

"Alex, it's much too early to discuss such things," Draco said calmly.  Then he swatted him.  "Shut up.  I don't want to find a use for mudbloods and muggle born trash."  Alex gave him that same sheepish look.  "You probably won't be breeding anyway."

"You don't know that.  After all, Pansy and Millie were talking about a plan to take some seed and artificially inseminate themselves to get the proper husband.  Then Pansy saw me listening."

"If you never utter another word on this subject for the next two years, I will harm her greatly for you once we're back at school," Draco vowed.  "Just shut up, Alex."  Alex sighed and went back to eating.  "Thank you!"  He rubbed his forehead as Ginny was walked in by Vincent.  "What do *you* want?"

"My mum sent this," she offered, handing it to him.  "She said if she can help, just let her know.  We've got a few trees in our orchard that could be transplanted and some other trees too if you needed some."

"You have trees?"

"We have many trees," Ginny said with a smile.  "We always have."  She looked at Alex.  "She also said to thank you for putting up with a squeaking, panicking Hermione.  She had no idea where the girl got to."

"She was sleeping in the study in the corner."

Ginny nodded. "I'll tell her that. Did you need anything from mum?  She's got a good supply of bruise potions and things laid in so Professor Snape can make more important things if necessary."  She nodded politely at him.  "She thought something more dangerous might need your skills, Professor."

"They weren't home," he assured her.  "Tell her we're fine and I don't need to make anything else at the moment, but I'll keep her in mind."

"Yes, sir.  Thank you for humoring my mum."  She smiled at Alex again.  "Thank you again for a wonderful party and Ron invited you over for the afternoon if you're not needed here, that way Draco can vent in peace.  Should I tell him no?"  Alex nodded.  She smiled.  "I thought so.  I'll head home now.  Mum said to thank you for giving her a night off too."  She smiled and waved, heading out.

Narcissa opened the letter, smiling at the gracious comments.  "She is a very nice woman," she noted, handing Draco the note.

"Why would we need trees?" he asked weakly.

She smiled and patted him on the back.  "In case the garden was destroyed as well."

"Oh."  He nodded. Then he moaned and held his head.  "I think I have a migraine."

"I've got some pain killers in my medicine cabinet," Alex promised.  "Go take some and pass out, Draco.  It's already been a long morning."  He nodded.  "I promise, if he shows up, I'm going to hurt him really a lot and let you finish him off."  Draco gave him a weak smile and walked off.  "Narcissa, you know I love you both dearly, but if Lucius comes back, he does not spend a night under my roof," he said quietly.   "You and Draco can stay nearly forever. Or until I get a boyfriend and gross him out with the sex.  Lucius is not to spend a night under my wards.  I don't care if he'll die without shelter and this is the only one within sixty thousand miles. He's not staying.  He can stay in Vinnie's bathroom or his basement, or in Greg's rec room, but not my house."

"If he comes back I may have to poison him anyway," she promised with a small smile.  "I should take a vacation.  I'm technically a grieving widow now.  I could visit one of the other houses.  I don't want to be a bother."

"I'm going back to school in three weeks.  What would I care if you're staying here?" he asked dryly.

"Good point. Maybe after you leave, dear."  She smiled at him.  "It really was a charming offer."

"True, it was," he agreed with a grin.  "Hey, Harry, are you not eating?" he called.

"Sorry, we were packing."  He came down the stairs.  "Did you need us to stay for an extra day, Alexander?  We were going to leave right before lunch."

"Whatever," he noted, flicking a hand around.  "After this, I'm going back to bed."  Harry smiled.  "Christmas afternoon as usual?"

"Sure," he agreed, hugging him briefly then heading back up the stairs.

Alex scraped his plate, then finished his cocoa.  "Greg, Vinnie, check with your parents before you make any big decisions.  I don't want them to freak out on me."  He pushed himself back. "I'll be up in another few hours.  At a decent hour."  He headed up to his room, finding Draco in there, one arm over his eyes.  "Needed a cuddle?" he asked as he took off his shoes and sweater, laying down next to his friend.  "Draco?"  Draco muttered something.  "What?"

"I said kill me."

"I can't do that, Draco.  Even in the heat of combat, I couldn't kill you.  I'd miss you."  He moved closer, cuddling him.  He even rested his head on Draco's shoulder.  "We should nap.  A decent hour will be coming soon."  Draco snorted but let him cuddle.  "Night."

"Night, Alex.  Don't think this means we're dating."

"Of course not.  You're a one night stand guy right now," he teased lightly.  Draco used the arm behind Alex to swat him on the arm, earning a laugh.  "Fine. I'll be a good teddybear."  He closed his eyes, letting himself drift off again.

Draco looked down at the first snore. "I forgot you did that."  He flipped onto his side, cuddling into Alex's chest.  He was very nicely firm and there. That's what he needed, someone who was there and who wouldn't disappear. Since he couldn't crawl into bed with his mother anymore, Alex would do.


Snape came down the stairs, stopping Narcissa.  "He crawled in with Alex."


"For the same reasons he used to crawl in with you.  Alex isn't wearing a shirt but Draco's fully dressed.  Nothing happened."

"Fine."  She walked him back down the stairs.  "We should wake them soon.  It's nearly lunch."

"Alex hardly ever makes it to brunch on the weekends," he told her. "We're lucky if he makes it up by the middle of the afternoon."  She smiled at that.  "They're not up yet," he told the elves.

"They should be.  They nap too long!" Twirly said.

"Do not disturb them.  Neither one got much sleep last night."  They wilted and went back to the kitchen and back to cleaning up.  He sat down on a couch in the sitting room, taking the paper to read.  He glossed past the article on the explosion or whatever.  "The ball was covered.  They called it delightful and nice not to trip over the children."

"I agree, it was," she said with a smile.  "Do you think they'll get together?"

"Draco is straight, Narcissa."

"Pity. He would make a fantastic match."  He looked at her.  "He would.  His mother was of the highest quality.  His father was probably decent.  I remember Lucius saying she was dating a Slytherin."

"She was.  Me."  He went back to his reading, leaving her shocked.  He smiled as Draco came wandering down the stairs.  "It's nearly lunch."  Draco growled and headed for the kitchen.  "Your hair is sticking up as well," he said more quietly.  The mother laughed.  "He's more concerned about his hair than his grades.  You should fix that."

"Dear, come see mommy when you're awake," she called.

"Later, mother.  Much later."  He took his cocoa back up the stairs, heading to his bath.  He heard Alex whimpering and went in there to check on him, finding him curled up in a ball as a wolf.  He sat down next to him, petting him gently until the dark brown eyes opened.  "Nightmares?"  The wolf nodded and let out a 'wuff' noise before changing back, letting Draco pet his friend instead.  "Did you have them earlier?  I don't remember getting kicked."

"No, I don't usually have them when I sleep with someone else anymore."  He put his head on Draco's thigh.  "Are you feeling better?"

"More calm.  If he comes back, I'll let you torture him before I finish him off."  Alex smiled up at him.  "I need to take a bath and so do you."  Alex reached up and smoothed some of his hair down for him.  "Thank you."  He grinned.  "I'll see you in an hour?"  Alex nodded, letting him get up and head back to his room.  Draco came back a minute later, finding Alex down to his boxer and socks.  "You have my present."

"I do," he agreed, grinning and pointing at his closet.  "The blue bag.  Vinnie's is in the purple paper and Greg's is in the blue."  Draco walked in and peeked, finding his present on the shelf.  He grabbed the bag and headed to his room, smiling when he looked inside.  "I like it, thank you!" he yelled before closing his bedroom door.

"Draco, it's not time to open presents yet," Greg called.

Vinnie stuck his head into Alex's room, finding him naked and heading for the bedroom.  "Where's mine?"

"Purple paper, the other is Greg's.  The red one is Ron's and the silver is Harry's."  Vinnie came in and got their presents, going to hand Greg's to him. "I don't need thank you letters," he called after him.  He headed into his bathroom, finding it already run for him. He sank in with a hiss for the really warm water, but dunked his head so he could do his hair.  That was the only thing he liked a shower for, doing his hair.  By the time he was done, some clothes were laid out, his bed was made, and his room was cleaned up.  He walked out with a towel around his waist, giving Marsette a look.  "I can dress myself."

"Marsette was supposed to give Master Alexander this letter when he was old enough," she said grimly, handing it to him.

He opened it with his teeth, then pulled out the letter to read.  He looked at her.  "How many others are there?"  She covered her eyes. "Marsette?"

"One for each year," she said weakly.  "One for each holiday."

"Thank you.  Take this to my father."  He handed it to her then got to work getting dressed.  He was sitting down to put on his socks when someone knocked. "I'm decent."  His father walked in with the letter.  "I'm not overly fond of the woman. Can't we go stomp on her ashes?"

"No.  I've ordered Marsette to bring me the rest of the letters.  She won't bring me the one for when you've reached your majority."

"Marsette, the courts declared me an adult," he yelled.  "The paperwork's with Gringott's."  He finished pulling on his socks and got up, following his father down the stairs.  He took that letter, looking it over.  "Oh, gee, if I sell anything off, she'll haunt me and make my life a living hell," he said dryly, handing that off as well.  He looked at his elves.  "Are there any others?"

"Mistress' closet and drawers had notes like that," Twrirly admitted, looking at her feet.  "House elves is being sorry for that, Master Alexander."

"It's not your fault she was an evil bitch."  He sat down.  "We need to pack up her room anyway," he noted.  They all nodded.  "I'll get to work on that today with Auntie's and father's help.  Draco can pack things neater.  Get some boxes so we can ship her clothes off to the poor."  They nodded, going to do that for him.  He looked at his father, who was scowling.  "All the dark arts stuff are still in a vault all by themselves in the bank."

"I heard.  It's a better idea than leaving them lying around here."  He sat across from him.  "Are you sure you're ready to go in there and pack her things knowing she left little notes about how worthless she thought you were?"

"I am.  If I get too upset, I'll go blow up a tree or two."  Snape nodded at that. "Can you help?"

"Of course.  I know Narcissa would if you asked her as well.  She's in her room."

"Let me get some tea.  I'll get her on the way up."  He went into the kitchen, taking his cup of tea and a few pieces of bacon before heading up the back stairs.  He knocked on his aunt's door, getting a smiling woman who hugged him.  "I'm going to pack her shit and send it to the poor.  Wanna help?  Draco and the guys can pack. You should know that she left little notes to make me feel bad through everything."

"Of course I'll help.  Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Yeah.  It's not like they left her body in there."  He headed to the end of the hall, pulling his wand to undo the locking charm he had put on the door.  With his hands busy, he kicked in the door, bringing Marsette running.  "Sorry, my hands were full."  He walked inside and coughed.  "Open a window, Marsette.  One that won't make it too cold."  She nodded, opening a small window in the bathroom and putting a fan in front of it.  "Boxes?"

"Gibbons is getting some from the stores," she admitted, looking down.  "Marsette can help."

"It's helping me get over her, Marsette.   This way I can torture her clothes and things since I can't do it in person."  She nodded.  "Did you want anything in here as a reminder of her?  Not as *clothes* but something to put on when that outfit gets too nasty?"

"Marsette is liking this shirt she borrows," she admitted, smoothing down the blouse she was wearing as a dress.  "Master wants Marsette in something else?"

"No, just wondering if you wanted to borrow anything else.  Ask Twirly and Gibbons as well."  She nodded, going to do that and help carry the boxes up the stairs.  Gibbons took one of her old school ties.  Twirly took another shirt and Marsette hesitated but eventually borrowed another shirt as well.  "Good.  Change whenever you need to.  Those are only borrowed.  I'm not giving you clothes."  They all smiled and nodded, disappearing.  He looked over as Vinnie and Greg came in, accepting their hugs.  "I thought you might like those," he admitted with a smile.  "Put boxes together.  We're shipping the crap off."  They nodded, getting down to packing boxes.  Alex finished off his tea and stuck his wand in his back pocket, leaving the cup on top of the dresser.  Once a box was finished he pulled out the top drawer and upended it into the box.  "I'm not touching her underthings," he told the amused looking Narcissa.

"Let me, darling.  Go to her closet.  She had a safe in there as well."  They changed places and he started tossing dresses into the box.  "Try to fold them, Alexander."

"Draco, come fold stuff!" he called.  Snape laughed as he walked Draco inside.  "I suck at packing.  It's my third sucky skill.  Packing, flying, and planning."

Narcissa looked at him.  "You still can't fly?"

"Ten minutes upside down," Draco said dryly.  "We had flying with the twit.  Madam Hooch couldn't figure out how he did it."  He came in to repack the box.  "Greg, make more boxes.  Vinnie, mark what's in them."  They nodded, doing as assigned.  "At least you're not near perfect, Alex.  You'd be boring otherwise."

Snape came in to look around at the artifacts stored in here.  "Alex, you'll have to send some of this to Gringott's as well," he noted quietly.  They all had shields around them so no one who wasn't directly checking would find the dark magic, or so Alex wouldn't sneeze and give her away to others, but there were many dark artifacts littering the room.

"Box it up and mark it," he responded, tossing a few more robes at Draco.  "How could one person have so much crap?" he complained.

"My closet's bigger than hers," Draco told him.  Alex held up a dress, making him shudder.  "Never mind, that's crap."  He took it between two fingers and laid it into the box so it wouldn't wrinkle too much. "Who's doing the unmentionables?"

"I already dumped a drawer of those in there," Alex noted, finding a garment bag with some hangers tied together.  "What's this?" he complained, looking inside.  "Eww."  He took them down and handed them to his father.  "They've got blood and nasty crap."

Snape looked then shuddered.  "Twirly?"  She appeared.  "Burn these," he said, handing them to her.  She nodded, sending them to the burn barrel.  "Bag and all," he ordered.  "Check for anything like jewelry first."  She nodded, following them down to check for anything valuable.  She came back with a wand, handing it to him.  "Thank you. Pile those on the desk."  She shook her head.  "Why not?" he asked patiently.

"Mistress does many bad things there," she whispered.  "Twirly and house elves not touch desk.  Desk evil and nasty, dark."  She put it on the dresser he was working on then disappeared.

Snape went over to the desk, frowning as he tested it.  He opened it and Alex sneezed so he looked inside.  "Her torture and spell journals," he sighed, pulling them out.  "I wondered where they were."  He put them in the box.  "Lupin!"  He came in.  "Since you're so *good* at the Dark Arts," he sneered.  "Become useful. Take these to Gringotts.  They're to go into the dark magic vault of Alex's."

"What are they?"

"Her journals and stuff.  Tell them there's going to be a few boxes," Alex told him.  Remus nodded, heading to do that for them. "Dad, please try to be a bit nicer?  They are basically my in-laws and I like Harry; Remus and Sirius have been nice to me, even knowing I'm your son.  Please?  At least here at the house?"

"Fine.  I'll honor the truce you've requested," he agreed, looking at his son.  Alex sneezed again so he came over to pull him out of the closet, finding the safe had been uncovered.  "Which one helped her dress?"

"Gibbons."  That elf appeared.  "Open the safe?"  He nodded, coming over to open all the safes, then bringing up more boxes.  He left them alone, heading for the sitting room to dust.  "That reeks of dark magic," Alex complained, sneezing really hard this time.

"Come here, Alex," Draco ordered.  Alex sneezed as he walked, going to sit on a hard chair in the middle of the room.  Alex sneezed so hard his nose started to bleed.  "Go back to your room.  We can do this."

"I can," he muttered, but went to find some tissues.

Draco looked in the vault. "Bloody hell, that's cursed," he said in awe, looking at the emerald sitting prominently in front of the boxes and loose jewels.  Snape nodded, pulling it out to test it.  Alex sneezed again from the bathroom.

"Draco, take Alexander, Greg, and Vincent, and go to Diagon," Narcissa ordered.  "I want him away from this magic now."  He nodded, going with the boys to gather their cloaks, shoes, and Alex.  They flooed off and she looked around. "Sirius?  We could use some help.  Have Harry watch the doorway for someone coming."  He stepped into the suite, looking around. "Alex was sneezing from his room once we opened the safe."

"He found her former work attire," Snape agreed.

"Sure.  Where's Remus?"

"Taking a box of things to Gringotts," Snape told him.  "I will honor the truce."  Sirius went to order Harry to watch the doors, then came in to help.


Severus found the boys at the sweets shop, pulling his son outside and between buildings, Draco and the others following once they had paid.  "We sent sixteen boxes of clothes to a women's charity," he said quietly.  "We sent twenty-nine boxes of cursed, dark arts, and otherwise harmful things to the vault.   The jewelry can probably be cleaned of the taint and the dark magic if you wish, but you will have to pay quite a lot to do so."  Alex nodded at that.  "I did keep one pin out to see how much it would be and we kept a listing of what we sent.  I can take you to the shop to introduce you."

"Then what would I do with it?" Alex asked.

"Keep it in case you had a daughter?  Gift it to a female in your life?  That last letter was a curse.  I examined it in closer detail.  If you *sell* anything, you'll be cursed to be haunted by her.  Personally, not the house."  Alex grimaced and Greg patted him on the back.  "I can't give you more advice than that, but I would at least get an estimate."

"Sure, that's fine," he agreed, taking the chocolate bar Draco was putting into his pocket to nibble on.  "Can we take the guys?"

"That would be fine."  He walked them down into Knockturn Alley, taking them to an infamous jewelry store down there.  The tinny sounding bell dinged when they came in, making the clerk behind the counter look up.  Snape closed the door once they were all inside.  "I need to see the owner.  We've found some cursed and tainted jewelry."  The clerk disappeared and the owner came out.  He handed over the bag, nodding Draco to pull Alex away when he started to sneeze.  "His Grandmother's jewelry was mostly tainted, cursed, or full of dark magic.  Alexander is allergic."

"I'd heard that said," he noted in a lazy sounding hiss.  He looked at the broach, then at him.  "This is excellent work."

"Yours?" Alex asked calmly.  He shook his head.  "Hers?"  He nodded.  "Can it be removed?"

"Probably.  I can't guarantee with as heavy as this is."

"That was the least tainted," Snape admitted.  "We also found these pieces and wanted an estimate of how much to get them cleaned."  He handed over the inventory.  The man drooled on the parchment.  Snape gave him a vile look and he wiped it off.

"Well, it'll be a pretty penny," he admitted.  He looked at Alex.  "Some might want them in this condition."

"I don't support Voldemort," he sighed, shrugging at the dirty looks he got.  "I don't.  I never have.  Grams turned me off dark magic forever and then some."  The jeweler shrugged and went back to the list.  "I also can't sell them."

"You could give them away and then the recipients could sell them," Vinnie pointed out.

Greg nodded.  "You could.  I saw a ruby that would look good on Ginny Weasley."

Draco looked at him.  "Please tell me you're not going to try for her!" he whined.

"She's a pureblood," Snape reminded him.

"So?  She's a *Weasley*!"

"Still, she is an acceptable spouse," Snape reminded him. "That's why your mother wanted Alexander to date you or Ronald."  He turned his back on the shuddering going on.  "How much and how certain are you of doing a thorough job?"

"Thorough I can do, but I can't be sure I can clear it all off.  I'll have to look."

"Dad, go ahead and get a few things.  Take Draco.  I gave him access to that vault along with you, as long as you're together," Alex said, handing over his keys.  "Just the jewelry.  Those statues, figures, and the whatnots stay."  He nodded, going to get a few more pieces.  Alex sneezed again so the jeweler put the broach back into the bag.  "How much do you think it'll run?  I do have money."

"A pretty knut," he assured him.  "Maybe even ten thousand gaalleons."

"That's outrageous!" Greg told him.

"No, that's business, son.  I'm the only one who can.  With Alexander there being allergic, it's in his best interests to clean them before he gives 'em to a wife."

"I'm gay."  The man looked alarmed.  "So there's a doubtful chance of them being handed on unless I give them away.  Does that lower the price any?  Otherwise they'll just languish in Gringotts forever, until they decide to auction them off some century."

"It could," he admitted.  "You're sure you won't carry on the bloodline?"

"It's doubtful.  I may still end up with a little ankle-biter some day but they won't be allowed to turn out like her."  The other man sighed and nodded.  "How much would that reduce the price?"

"That depends on the amount of work to be done and how bad it'll get.  Some of that's probably demonic knowing her tastes.  She and Mr. Malfoy's father used to worship 'em together."  Vinnie and Greg shuddered and he grinned.  "Not your da's, boys, those two.  It's probably why Alexander there is allergic."

"Actually, it was early exposure to dark magic.  I'm not allergic to demonic," Alex admitted.  "Who else was with them?"

"McNair.  Your own da, Alexander."  Alexander frowned.  "Ask him if you don't believe me.  They all got together with some odd wizards from outside our sort."  Snape came back and he straightened up.  "Alex made a point that might get the price to go down."

"He told you he's not got someone to have children with?" Draco noted as he came in.

The jeweler nodded.  "I also told him how some of these may be demonic since your da, his da, his grandmum, and a few others from outside our kind used to have a coven to do that together."

"I gave it up as youthful stupidity," Snape assured him blandly.  He handed over the roll of a jewelry holder, letting him unfold them.  Alex started to sneeze again so he had Draco take him outside.  He heard Greg's mother screaming so he went out there.  "We were cleaning out his grandmother's things and found some tainted jewelry," he told her.  "The boys have been with me the whole time but Alexander is allergic to dark magic.  That's why Draco is watching over him.  Your son is inside with us."  He let her back inside, giving Draco a look.  He got a nod and Draco walked Alex off.  He closed the door behind himself and looked at him.  "How much?"

"If they're all like this...."

"Those are the lesser pieces.  There's many that are demonic in origin," he admitted.  "That would be easier to clean.  Others were used to capture power and energy."

"Then probably a good thousand galleons," he said, rolling them back up.  "I know some who'd adore those if he could sell 'em, but with that curse I'd doubt he would?"

"No, he can't," Snape assured him. "Give them away he might.  He'd rather give clean jewelry though.  Keep those for a moment.  Vincent, go tell him a thousand."  Vincent hurried off and he looked at Mrs. Goyle.  "As you can see, he's been thoroughly watched this whole time.  As soon as we found the store of dark arts materials we sent the boys off."

"What were you doing?" she demanded.

"We were cleaning out Alex's Gram's suite," Greg said quietly.  "Boxing her clothes up and the like."  She shuddered.  "They found leather stuff with blood, mum."

"I had it burned before you ask," Snape told the jeweler.  "There is a desk that's too large to go into the vault, but right now it's outside in the snow."  The jeweler raised an eyebrow.  "It's also been soaked with blood and blood magic."  The mother looked horrified.  "That's why we sent the boys off."  Vincent came back.  "Well?"

"He said that's fine.  As long as it didn't run too much over that," he panted.  "They're on the benches."  He looked at Greg's mum, then at Alex's dad.  "He said he doesn't want to see that desk either, sir.  He said to give it to someone who could destroy it."

"I'll do so," he agreed.  He looked at the jeweler.  "Once the boys are back at school, we'll be back with the rest.  That way no one might get hurt, including your own daughter."  He nodded, silently thanking him for that.  "Keep those for now and work on them.  I'll bring the rest personally along with the money."  He walked out with the other parent, letting the boys go back up to Knockturn.  "I'm going to the Ministry about that desk," he told his son, whispering it to him.  Alex nodded, looking up at him.  "I left those pieces with him to work on.  I'll bring the rest once school starts.  That way no one can touch them and get tainted.  His daughter's a sixth year right now."  Alex nodded at that.  "Do you wish to give away that desk?"

"Hell yes.  I want no blood magic in my house.  I want nothing of hers that's tainted.  I want that stupid house purged."  He looked at his father.  "I can ask Remus Lupin to do it," he said quietly.  "He identified some stuff we missed, dad."  Greg's mother gasped and he glared at her.  "Yes, he is."  He looked at his father again.  "I'm serious."

"I can agree to him.  He is ...knowledgeable, though annoying and a pain to me personally."

"Is there someone better?"  Snape shook his head.  "Then I'll let him do it.  The rest can go into the vault unless it's too evil.  I know a few of those small statues you wanted me to send to the Ministry too."  He nodded.  Alex waved a hand.  "Please, go give away shit."

"Fine, I shall."  He went to get those things, taking them with him to the Ministry.  The wards went off and he looked at the auror coming running.  "Get me Tonks," he ordered.  The auror glared and he started to pull his wand.  "These are an inheritance and she's expecting to see some of this.  Get her now.  I shall wait."  The auror called her through the floo, getting out of the way as she stepped out.  He handed over the small case of statues and other ...accessories.  "Alexander is purging the house," he said quietly.  "These were too evil to even be allowed in the vault at Gringotts with the rest.  There's also a desk in back of the house.  It's been soaked with blood for blood magic rituals."  She opened her mouth.  "There's a curse that Alexander may not sell them, but he may give them away.  He said to do so."  He nodded politely.  "The rest was minor dark arts things and we'll be cleaning the jewelry soon.  I did have her outfits to torture in destroyed when we found them.  They still had blood.  Remus Lupin and I are handling the rest of the purge and fixing."  He turned and left.

"Whoa!  Wait!"  She jogged after him, catching him by the arm.  "What happened?" she asked, stepping closer. "How bad was it and we need an inventory of what's being kept.  Tell him we can get a court order but he won't have to turn them over since he inherited them and he's keeping them in Gringotts." Snape handed over the copy he had gotten from the bank.  She looked at it, then gaped at him.  "This is bloody dangerous!"

"That's why it's in the vault," he noted dryly, sneering a bit at her.  "He doesn't want it around him ever again."

"Fine.  I get that.  What was he doing this time?  We heard he cleaned the library and stuff."

"We cleaned her suite today," he said quietly.  "We still have two rooms of hers that were sealed off by his hand."  She nodded.  "They're her workrooms and we'll have to do it once he's back in school.  He's already agreed to have Remus Lupin help with this since he identified a few more things before the party," he hissed.  She nodded, shivering a bit.  "Come get that desk before it bleeds into the snow."

"I'll come right over.  How is Alex?  I remember he's allergic."

"He's already had two nose bleeds.  We are trying to clean the jewelry."

"That's fine.  They're things that can be used as money if necessary.  Can I get a list of that too?"  He shrugged and walked off.  "Thank you, Professor.  I'll be at the house in a few minutes if you could head back there!" she called.  She hurried up to the office, handing the first case to her boss.  "Alexander Birmingham was working on her personal suite.  Some things were too big or too evil for Gringotts."  He shuddered.  "There's a big desk that was used in blood magic out in back of the house plus two workrooms.  Professor Snape just handed those to me and I'm headed back now. I could use some big, strong blokes to help."

"Fine.  We'll take a few."  He locked the case in his office.  "Ballings, watch my office.  No one in except to add stuff!" he snapped as he gathered his cloak.  "Tailor, Brents, come."  They followed, being big, dumb, and strong was going to work in their favor this time.  They appeared back at the house, finding the werewolf looking at the desk.  "We were given this?"

"You were," Remus agreed quietly.  "The boys are still in Diagon and Alex told Professor Snape how to open the other doors."  He led them inside, nodding at Snape.  "Have them remove the desk, it's still radiating," he ordered.

"Put it in my office," the boss ordered.  "Then lock the damn door."  He looked at Snape.  "Can the boys stay with you tonight if we have to clean that room once it's opened?"

"Mrs. Goyle said they can all stay with her tonight."  He looked at Remus.  "Sirius took Mr. Potter home."

"Agreeable.  I'd rather not have him exposed to this."  He looked around.  "I knew she was evil, but not this evil!"

"She was more evil than most.  She was the torturer of the circle," Snape told him.  He led them to the double doors.  "Back away."  They backed up and he unlocked the doors, then grasped his arm as pain shot up it.

"Severus!"  Remus got him out of the way and back down to the sitting room.  "Twirly!"  She appeared.  "Get him a warm stone for his arm, a blanket, and some tea.  Get him some chocolate too.  Then keep yourself and the other elves away from the work rooms while we clean it."  She burst out crying.  "What?"

"There's a corpse in there," Tonks said as she looked in.  "A female one."  The elf nodded.  "Two house elves too.  Looks like it was long ago."  She squatted in front of the floo, getting someone in their sister office, Law Enforcement.  "Alexander Birmingham just got around to finishing the cleanup of his Grandmum's stuff," she said quietly.  "We just unsealed the workrooms he sealed without looking in.  We found a few corpses."  She got a nod.  "Come quick.  It's really bad.  Get the rest of us up here but the one guarding the boss's office.  Put more guards on our door as well.  There's some massive dark magic."  The head in the fireplace spun away and she stood up.  "Professor, I know you were a spy," she said quietly.  "Stay down here.  Anything we have to ask you or Alex we'll do once we're done."  She noticed the state he was in.  "Should I call anyone?"

"Call Narcissa Malfoy?  She's at the Goyles," Remus said, going up to help.  He got some funny looks.  "I am a Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher," he noted dryly.  "This is my area.  Plus, Alexander trusts me so I'm standing in for his father."  They nodded, letting him come in to help.


Pansy sat down next to Alex in Greg's rec room, smiling at him.  "I heard you found some cursed artifacts in your Gram's things," she said happily.

He looked over at her.  "That's why I'm banished here, so they can clear it out."

"You don't want to play with them?"  He shook his head, looking calm.  "Why not?  They've got to be fascinating and it is your heritage."

He glanced around. "First, Pansy, if you must know, I'm allergic to dark magic."

"How can you be allergic to magic?"

"Easy.  Too early of an exposure. It got into my immune system before it was time."

"Huh?  Potter got zapped and he's not."

"Potter got it when he was over a year old.  I was days," he said coolly.  She looked confused.  "There's a reason why the last Dark Lord didn't have the kids presented to him, Pansy," he said, talking down to her now.  "Not only because he couldn't be sure which children would survive and serve him, but he also knew that parenthood makes a parent protective and he couldn't order them to sacrifice their children if he knew about them at that age.  It's also because dark magic introduced too early in a baby's life, meaning before the immune system is fully set up, can easily warp the child or make it very allergic to the foreign magics.  As we found out, Grams was doing blood and sacrificial magic in the house.  I got exposed when I was days old."  She shivered, wrapping her arms around her.  "As for the other reason?  Because I'm not going to be dark.  I don't want to be dark.  I'm already dark enough and skilled enough in the dark to suit myself and my needs.  Why do I need more?"

"But... you have such a bright future," she complained.

"Pansy!" Draco snapped.

"No, Draco."  He held up a hand.  "Let me."  He looked at her, staring in her eyes.  "Pansy, I don't want to be the next dark lord.  Why would I?  So I can get rid of the people who beat their kids, rape their kids, or taint their kids?  Those sort?  I can do that legally and have a lot less trouble and get praised for it.  There are people whose job it is to take care of those matters.  I could easily join them and that would be a crusade I could get behind.  There is nothing I need that would require me to go *darker* to satisfy.  There is nothing I *want* that would require me to go *darker* to satisfy that lust.  Why in the hell would I need to go *darker* than I already am?  Hell, woman!  I can easily beat most of the teachers except my father!  I don't need more power.  I have more money than everyone in this building, but Draco, combined, and I have more than enough power from that and my personal reserves.  I'm one of the most powerful wizards today, in or out of that school.  I don't need to be feared by some moronic excuse for a witch or a wizard!

"Why in the hell do I want that stress, that fear, or that loathing? I've already been hated my whole life and the people who did it are suffering greatly.  That's what makes me happy, that I'm left alone to be myself.  I may be a bit darker than some, but I'm not some fucking dark lord in the making, no matter how much you and your mum want me to be.  Even if I found a reason that required me to participate in dark magic, do you think I'd suddenly change my distaste of women? You'd better be damn thankful I don't want to be a dark lord, I might start to wipe women off the face of the earth so I never have to get near another one in my bloody life!  I hate women!  All women! Every last one, even the nice ones like Auntie Narcissa and Ginny Weasley.  Even the ones who're so sweet they make others' teeth ache, like Madam Sprout.  I could care less about the dark, what the dark side wants, and what women want.  So, get your little twat the hell away from me and stay away."

"You're mean!" she cried.

He glared, he could tell she was faking it.  "Pansy, do you want to know why my Grams wanted us together? Because she thought you'd make the next great torturer for the last Dark Lord. She saw a lot of herself in you.  That's the other reason why I'm never going to touch you and never going to go for women, because of women like you and her."  She got up and stomped off.  "If I give you something cursed, would you leave me alone forever?" he called.  He got up and grabbed his cloak, heading outside to walk in the woods.

Greg's mother finally got her mouth closed and looked at Narcissa.  "I had no idea," she said quietly. "You and Greg said it was bad."

"That's worse than I usually saw," Narcissa admitted, looking at her son, who looked calm, unruffled, and totally unconcerned.  "Draco, go find him."

"Not a chance in hell, mum.  He's got to vent first.  The next person who touches him is looking to be hexed painfully."  He looked at the older women.  "You didn't want to see.  Greg and I saw plenty and we weren't there as often as you two and the others were."  He stood up and pushed his shirt back down.  "Vinnie, go calm down the bitch.  Promise her one of Alex's cursed necklaces if she leaves him alone forever.  I'll talk him into it."  Vinnie nodded, heading after her.  "Greg, go vent," he ordered, clapping him on the shoulder. "Leave Alex alone though."  He nodded, grabbing his cloak and heading for the front yard to blow up the snow.  He stared at the adults.  "You're lucky he didn't hex her.  By the way, who invited her?  She knows Alex hates her and that she'll never have me.  She's been shoving her former marriage contract in everyone's face, especially mine.  Even if I had a desire for the pug-nosed girl, I wouldn't have her after that."  Narcissa mutely nodded.  He heard an explosion and sighed.

"That means he's probably safe.  All you females need to leave him alone.  Weasley and that mudblood Granger keep trying to 'heal' him too.  Weasley nearly caused him to have a panic attack by offering to brush him."   He looked at the others standing around.  "Leave us," he called.  "I've got Alex.  Go have fun with Greg."  They nodded, hurrying out to do that.  "Mum, make sure that he's left alone.  Women have been the ones to hurt him.  You're all making it worse."  He grabbed his cloak and headed outside, going toward the woods.  He knew Alex liked woods when he was upset.  He could bleed the excess energy through the trees.  He found the wolf form of Alex sitting on a stump licking his paw.  He squatted down, looking him in the eyes.  "I told Pansy she could have a cursed necklace if she left you alone forever.  I figure at least one has an anti-fertility charm or an impotence charm on it."  Alex gave him a hurt look.  "It's the only way.  Her mother heard and pressed her to make nicer with you."  He gently scratched behind an ear.  "Alex, are you okay?"  The wolf whimpered and laid down, leaning into his hand.  "I told Mum you were right and to make sure the mothers left you alone.  I also mentioned the 'healing' campaign some of the Gryffs have.  I think she'll get word back."

Alex licked his paw again so he looked at it.  "What did you do?" he said, frowning a bit.  The wolf yelped when he gently pressed on a spot.  "Change back, Alex, so I can bandage it."  The wolf gave him another sorry look.  "Come on.  I can bandage that like I used to do your arms."  He stood up, looking at him. "If you don't, I can't pet you anymore. I don't like talking to animals. I never got what you saw in petting creatures."  He frowned a bit when the wolf stayed.  "Are you stuck?"  The wolf let out another whimper and moved closer.  "I'm not mad at you, Alex," he sighed, going back to petting him.  "I'd have been more subtle or told her off at the school back in October, but I'm not mad.  She deserved to hear every bit of that, even if you did scare Greg to hell and back.  Greg's wearing out some energy in the front yard.  Want to go play?"  The wolf whimpered.  "You can't change back, can you?"  Alex shook his head.  "Can you walk?"  That got a whimper and the paw being held up.  "What the hell did you do to it?" he muttered, looking at it again.  "The pain is blocking you?"  The wolf nodded.  "Okay.  Well, at least you're fairly light," he offered, picking him up and walking back to the house.   It was farther than he thought. "Greg!" he yelled.  His very strong friend came jogging over.  "He hurt himself and can't change back.  I can't carry him any farther," he panted.

Greg took him.  "I'm not mad at you, Alex.  I wish you hadn't said that in front of my mum, but I agree, she needed blasted with it."  He walked him into the house. "Aunt Narcissa?  Alex hurt himself!" he called, Draco following him.

"What?" she shrieked, coming out of the kitchen.  She took the wolf and laid it on the couch, looking it over.  "Where's hurt, Alex?"

"His left front paw at least," Draco said, taking off his cloak.  "By the way, Greg, you're missing about ten trees in a circle out there.  I found him on a stump.  The Weasley's offered us some trees so maybe you can have some."  He looked at his mother.  "Should I call McGonagall? Or Pomfrey?"

"No," she said, pulling her wand out of her sleeve.  The wolf yelped and tried to move.  "Alexander, I'm only going to do a healing charm," she soothed.

"Not while he's changed," Draco said, grabbing the tip before she could move it.  "It could lock him into this form.  Get Sirius."  She looked at him. "I'm the one who did his research for him, mum.  It could lock him into this form."  She nodded, going to floo Sirius from his house.  He came tumbling out a moment later. "He just let loose and destroyed about ten trees.  He's at least hurt his paw."

Sirius looked at the young wolf, then changed down to his dog form, sniffing him all over before changing back.  "He's also got some stomach cramps and probably a concussion.  Is he stuck, Draco?"

"Yeah.  He went off on Pansy and he can't walk.  Greg and I carried him."

"That's fine.  Go ahead and floo Pomfrey," he ordered Narcissa.  "She's got the most current record of his medical files."  She nodded, going to do that.  "Nice work not getting her to heal him."

"I pointed out it could stick him," he noted calmly. "Is he all right?"

"He's fine.  What happened?"

"Pansy."  Greg shivered and Draco looked at him. "Go play," he offered.  He nodded, heading back outside.  "Thank you."

"I've always liked Alex," Greg reminded him with a grin.  "We were friends before you and I."  He turned back around and headed outside to wear out some teenage energy.

Draco sat down beside Alex, petting him gently.  "Pansy tried to curl up next to him to talk about the dark magic stuff.  He told her off," he said simply.  "Then he told her why women are all evil and bad."

Sirius nodded. "Remus thought he had some lingering issues with girls since he avoided them like the plague at the party."

"You need to get Potter onto the girls in his house so they leave him alone.  Granger and Weasley keep trying to 'heal' him by forcing their affection and help on him.  Weasley made him panic by offering to brush him."  Sirius frowned at that.  "It says something when Halfrek, the demon over lost childhoods, cries over him."

"It does," he agreed quietly.  "You know?"

"I knew.  I saw the prophecy," he admitted dryly.  Sirius nodded.  "I also burned it."  Alex looked at him.  "That memory thing you can't know."  The wolf sighed and put his head down, but yelped and moved it off that paw.  He looked over as Pansy's mother came in the front door.  "Pansy ran for upstairs after Alex told her why he wasn't interested in becoming the next dark lord," he said cruelly.  "There's a bribe in place to give her a piece of the cursed jewelry if she'll leave him alone permanently.  Make sure she accepts it."  She looked stunned.  "Unfortunately Alex can't talk to you himself.  He's off destroying part of the forest after your daughter's unthinking and unkind questions.  The next time she really wants to serve a dark lord, make her find a real one, not try to make Alex Birmingham into one for her own benefit."  She stomped off.  "Bitch," he muttered, watching her go.  Alex nudged his hand so he went back to petting him.  He looked down at him.  "You're taking advantage of this," he taunted, smirking at him.  The wolf growled but settled down at Draco's snort.  "I don't care.  You're keeping me calm and you're not attacking anyone."  His mother came back.  "I told Mrs. Parkinson about the bribe," he told her.  "She's retrieving her offspring."

"You really don't care for her?"

"I'd almost rather she be resorted at the moment," he admitted, staring at her as she came down the stairs.  "Fortunately there's a few weeks left for mine and Alex's temper to calm down."  Pansy and her mother flounced off. "Good riddance."

"She is a nice girl."

"Mother, she told Alex repeatedly she wants him to be the next dark lord.  She keeps prompting him toward it.  Do you really think he wants or needs that?"

"No," she admitted quietly.  "We've already got one of those, son."  He raised an eyebrow.  "As rumors state."

"I'm sure he'll hear about it through Potter," he complained.

"If Harry goes against him this time, he'd better call us first," Sirius told him, making it an order.  "I'm not letting a little kid face that bastard alone."

"Good!  Potter's too stubborn and a bitch already."  Alex growled.  "Fine, I'll leave your other friends alone," he sighed.  "Can I at least pick on Granger?"  Alex shrugged under his hand.  "Thank you.  I didn't think you'd stick up for the mudblood anyway."

"Malfoy, do you mind?" Black asked.  "I don't want to hear that."  Draco shrugged and looked at his mother.

"It isn't very polite and we are in public, Draco," she chastised gently.  "Don't turn into your father."  He grimaced at that reminder, his eyes icy.  "I know I can count on you to be better than Lucius ever was."  She stroked the wolf and Alex pulled away from her hand.  "Fine.  I'm sorry, Alexander.  If you don't want me to, I won't."

"He may not be able to tell it's you," Sirius admitted.  Madam Pomfrey came out of the floo.  "He went off on someone before going to explode in the woods, Poppy.  He's hurt his paw, his stomach's cramping, and I think he's got a small head injury.  No one's done any healing charms yet."  The wolf shied away from her.

"No!" Draco said firmly, stopping him.  He made the wolf look at him. "You trust that woman and my mother, Alex.  It's Pomfrey and Auntie Narcissa."  The wolf whimpered.  "I promise, I won't let them hurt you.  You know me, you know that about me."  The wolf settled down so he let go of his head.  "He's stuck," he told her.

Sirius pulled Narcissa out of the way.  "What really happened so I can tell Remus and he can tell Severus?" he asked quietly.

"Pansy wanted to know about the dark arts things.  The first we knew he was growling about why he didn't need to go darker or become the next dark lord.  He made her cry."

"Good.  From what little I saw of her when she crashed the party and what I've heard from Harry that Alex has told him, she needs help.  She wants to go to the Dark Lord as a wife and bear him babies."  She shuddered.  "She wants the power, Narci.  You need to get her straightened out or get her mother to work on her."

"I think she's done plenty of that already," Goyle's mother said, bringing out a pan of water for the poor thing.  "Here, Alexander.  You drink some water.  It's good for you."  She stepped away, looking at Narcissa.  "He didn't tell me."

"He told you what he could without giving himself nightmares," Draco told her.

"His medical records are spotty on his past if we're discussing that," Poppy admitted.  "What we do know and was reported is more than enough to have him taken away."

"All I knew is that Greg always wanted him to come over."  She let out a small sob.  "I let the poor boy down!"

Narcissa patted her on the arm.  "I tried repeatedly to make that dreadful woman give him to me and I only knew a little more than you did, Beth.  The Ministry was too afraid of her to act and there were too many of Lucius' friends scattered around there to make sure they stayed afraid of her.  Fortunately, Alex has time to heal.  Though I doubt he'll ever like women near him.  The three boys have helped him a lot, even though they're not always together and Alexander is a Gryffindor."

"I'm still wondering why?" Sirius offered, coming over to join them since Madam Pomfrey didn't seem to need him.  "He's got all the makings of a Slytherin."

"The hat said he'd end up going dark if he came with us," Draco told him.  "As you heard, he'd rather die."  Sirius nodded.  "It said he could become darker than his Grandmother had been."  He shuddered at that and so did his own mother.  "Fortunately the hat refused to do what Dumbledore wanted and put him in Hufflepuff."

"Why?" Black demanded.  "That would have made sure one of those kids got hurt!"

"Yes, but that would mean Potter wouldn't have him," Draco said coolly.  Then he shrugged and smirked. "Did you ever find out about that birthday prophecy?"

"No, and we've all asked.  Even Harry, as a legal adult, can't get near it."

"What prophecy?" Narcissa demanded.  They all shrugged. "Draco?"

"Something about their birthdays and the dark lord," he admitted.  "So far only Dumbledore seems to know anything about it.  It's stored at the Ministry."

"We'll be having it soon," she assured him.  "By the end of term."  Her son smiled at her for that.  "You do both know you can come to me for anything, right?"

"Good, someone needs to explain puberty to him," Sirius told her.  "Harry too.  I haven't been able to yet."  He went back to help since the nurse was working on the healing.  He took over Draco's petting, letting him get up and hug his mother.

"He could probably use sex explained to him too, mum, since he's gay and no one really ever explains that stuff to us."

She patted him on the back. "I'll do my best once he's better, son."  Severus came out of the floo.  "He'll be fine. Poppy's working on him, Severus."

"What happened?"

"Pansy," Draco said simply.  Snape growled.  "I promised her a bribe of one of the necklaces or something to make her go away permanently."

"Doable," he agreed.  "Did Alex agree?"

"He's rather stuck," Draco admitted.  "He blew up a circle of trees and got injured."

"Ah."  He nodded, coming over to take over for Sirius.  "How is he?" he asked the nurse.

"He'll be fine, Severus.  His head will take some careful watching.  As long as you keep him away from any violent actions or discharges of magic, he'll be fine by the time they come back to the school."  She finished up.  "Now, let's change you back so you can lie down," she said firmly.

"Come on, Alex, I'll cuddle," Draco offered.  Snape looked at him so he shrugged. " It usually works. He's incredibly tactile right now."  Alex was slowly changed back and he helped his friend up and to a better couch to lay on.  "There, stay there," he said, letting his mother tuck the poor boy in.  He looked at Snape.  "How are things going?"

"It's going to be a while," he admitted. "There's enough there to make me shudder in horror, Draco."

"Ah."  Draco nodded.  "Sure.  Well, if we had a house, I'd invite him home with me."

Mrs. Goyle tutted, getting them some cocoa.  "You're all staying here.  You and Alexander can stay in the same room, Draco.  Vinnie can stay with my Greg in his."  He smiled and took the cocoa.  "Do you favor him?"

"I still like girls," he admitted dryly.  "Just not ones like Pansy."  He saluted her with his mug.  "Thank you, Mrs. Goyle."

"You're welcome, dear."  She patted him on the head and handed Narcissa one for Alex, then went to call the others in so they could have some too.  It was really cold outside.


Remus looked at the girls Harry had called over.  "Ladies, we've got to talk about Alexander," he said quietly.  "He's had some rather bad shocks in the last few days."  Ginny's face tightened, just like her mother's.  "We had to clean out his grandmother's things and you know he's allergic to dark magic, right?"  Hermione nodded slowly.  "Well, he had a bit of a reaction to everything.  Plus what's happened with Draco's family and all that."

"Is he all right?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, but you need to leave him alone," Harry told them.  "Remember the night he panicked because you offered to brush him?"  Both girls nodded.  "He had another one thanks to Pansy and her desire to marry the next dark lord.  He went off on her and then apparently went to blow crap up."  They both shuddered.  "He's on Greg's couch with a small concussion and Draco's presently hovering."

"Hovering?" Hermione asked pointedly.  "Like he's found a boyfriend hovering?"

"Draco insists that he's straight," Remus said dryly, staring her down.  "But they're very close, almost like brothers.  Pansy basically sat down next to him to talk about some cursed jewelry we found in his grandmother's things and hinted strongly about it and about him becoming a dark lord for her."

"Needless to say," Sirius said from behind his paper, "he was not amused. Mrs. Goyle and Mrs. Malfoy were both traumatized by his rant and Pansy's supposed to be accepting a bribe to never come near him again.  But you two do need to back off the boy before you make him worse."

"We thought some gentle, positive attention could help him," Hermione told them all.

Harry shook his head.  "He hates women, ladies.  His grandmum screwed him up that badly."  Remus scowled at him.  "She did!" he defended.  He looked at Hermione.  "He's allergic to dark magic because he got exposed when he was days old.  They found out she had been doing blood magic in the house and demonic magic with Lucius Malfoy.  Speaking of, if he ever shows up, tell Alex then send for Draco.  Draco said Alex gets him first and then Draco's ending his life," he said firmly.

"I'd have thought Narcissa wanted him more," Sirius said, lowering his paper, "but she agreed with the boys so she didn't have to get messy.  So do tell them then us if you see him anywhere."

"There was a picture of him in the paper yesterday we thought," Ginny said quietly, looking at Harry.  "Are you sure, Harry?  It can't help him?"

"Just be normal around him," Remus encouraged.  "Like you do Ron and Harry."

"Without the drooling," Sirius offered. Ginny blushed.  "Sorry, dear, but you are."  She wiped off her mouth and blushed darker.  He grinned at Harry. "She's cute."

"I'm too young to date," he said firmly.  He frowned at the thoughtful look Hermione had.  "No trying anything therapeutic," he warned.  "Let those who he feels comfortable with help him.  Don't avoid him, but quit trying so hard."

"Did he say we were annoying him?"

"Hermione, do you remember the hexing contest on the train?" Harry asked patiently.  She groaned and nodded.  "He could have done much worse.  Ron glared at him when he started to cast something different after you made him hug people."  She nodded, looking down.  "So let's let the Gryff nancy boy be and he'll be fine.  He's not a dark lord in the making.  He's not that dark really. He's got a wicked sense of humor if you know him well enough.  He and Malfoy played all holiday long.  He was teasing Malfoy all holiday about being his mate and Draco only grinned and kept pushing him off and reminding him he was straight.  Let the boy be happy and carefree.  Over the course of time, he'll come to accept girls' ability to exist."

"He really hates girls?" Ginny asked softly.

"Ginny, from what Greg told me, he told Pansy he was more than willing to wipe all you off the earth if he was forced to become a dark lord," Sirius told her.  She nodded, hanging her head.  "Last year was good, Hermione.  Even Malfoy said you handled it very well.  Go back to it.  He's just another student, like Neville."

"I've been helping Neville gain confidence.  I've been doing very well with him.  I've also helped Alex with his homework."

"Hermione, unless he tells you to call him Alex, he considers that taking liberties," Harry said firmly.  "He said so to me and Ron.  He said his grandmother had others do it and he had to smack some of them around.  So far, the only of us who have that permission seems to be Snape and his Slytherin friends.  If we take those liberties, he'll turn away from the whole house."

"The twins may have it," Ginny told him.

"Nope," he said, shaking his head.  "At the party they called him Alexander.  Seamus called him Alex and Malfoy and Crabbe about smashed his head in if you remember."   Both girls nodded.  "So let's go back to how we treated him last year.  He's not really a brother but he's someone we can trust and hang with without being annoying and trying to help or change."

"Alexander is a very interesting young man," Remus assured them.  "He's also a very nice young man most of the time.  He behaved very well while we were at his house.  Even when he was getting into trouble and the house elves screamed at him."  Sirius laughed at that.  "Even when he and Harry were out in the back getting into trouble by trying to ice skate on his pond."  Harry snickered at that.  "And nearly drowned," he added, glaring at Harry.  "Don't worry me like that again, Harry.  I'm already gray enough."

"Yes, Uncle Remus."  He grinned at him.  "We thought it'd be okay."

"Well, it's not," he said firmly.  He looked at the girls again.  "Just treat him like you would Ron."

"If Ron started to avoid girls we'd try to help him," Hermione told him.

"Hermione, the only help for that boy is time and exposure.  It says something that he thinks Madam Sprout is a dark lord in hiding."  Sirius burst out laughing at that. "He claims no one can be that sweet and nice," Remus told him.  "I did tell him she was that nice and that most nice women like that weren't really hiding, just men like that.  He agreed with me and said that women were too so we had a long discussion about his rationale.  He made a lot of sense.  If I didn't know the woman, I'd think so too."   He looked at the girls again.  "Just let him be, ladies."

"I talked to my mum about him and she thinks he needs some help getting over this, that his gayness is in reaction to the abuse he suffered."

Sirius coughed.  "You realize he could have been gay all along?" he suggested.  She looked stunned.  "It has been known to happen," he reminded her dryly.  "There's plenty of wizards and witches who like their own sex."

"Besides, with time and positive associations with girls who don't get pushy or try to 'help him'," he said, doing the finger quotes, "he could loosen his stance on hating girls as friends.  I sincerely doubt that boy will ever marry or that he would have without her being into torture that way.  His parents weren't married out of necessity.  The closest he's seen to a loving relationship was probably Draco's family and Lucius isn't the supporting husband sort.  Besides, the boy is happy the way he is.  You trying to hone your amateur therapy skills won't help him any.  You won't change him and you'll only end up hurting him or driving him further toward the path of actually harming women.  You're both very lucky he doesn't want to do violence towards women with what he went through.  Thankfully he's not prone to that sort of violence."

"He's fairly prone to violence," Ginny argued.

"Not that sort," Harry said dryly.  "Alexander would much rather just be left alone unless he chooses to hang out with you.  He and Neville don't get on all that well because Neville likes to cling a bit to his friends.  The rest of us don't mind but Alexander is a solitary sort.  You need to be able to understand the guy before you hang out with him.  We don't know what Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle learned of him when he was younger, but they're very tight.  Ron and I are fairly close to him too.  That's why he feels good enough about us to hang out with us and to share stuff with us.  You two are driving him nuts.  Even McGonagall asked me to have a word with you, Hermione.  She thought you were getting too pushy and you'd undo the good work she'd managed to do."

"He trusts her?" Sirius asked happily.

"Within a few weeks, McGonagall understood him pretty well," Harry told him, turning to look at him.  "She also asked him, not ordered, but asked him to protect the house.  The same as the second day there Alex told her about my bruises, she made a good argument for him to teach and protect those who needed it in the house; other kids like him mostly.  He's spotted six others across the school and has turned them in."  Sirius looked pleased at that. "Including one girl who was mysteriously pregnant when she'd never dated."  Remus shuddered.

"Draco said Alexander told Parkinson if he ever had to become a dark lord he'd take all those sort out first," Sirius admitted. "I'm glad he's helping others.  It helps him to heal a bit more each time he helps another kid."  He went back to his reading.  "I'm impressed with your kid, Harry.  He seems pretty good for all he's went through. Even though he is a smartass and Snape's kid too.  Oooooh, I didn't like the mental images I just got from saying that.  Ick!  Remus!"  Remus kindly reached over to slap him with a grin. "Thanks, Moony.  I needed that."

"Sirius, Professor Snape was perfectly nice while we were all there," Harry said patiently.  "Alexander asked for a truce and we got it."

"We did.  I stuck to it too," he reminded him.  "He and Remus worked very well together on all the dark stuff they found.  Remus, when are the aurors leaving?"

"Tonight.  He and Draco are heading back tonight so they can pack up, then they're spending the next two days at the Leaky with Snape."  He looked at the girls.  Then at Harry.  "Yours and Ron's presents were in his closet."

"I delivered them both," he offered with a grin.  "He got me a really pretty musical snowglobe of the school."

"I saw that, it's a darling present," Sirius agreed.  "Did you write a thank you letter?"

"He said not to," Harry sighed. "Must I write one for the kiss-off I received from my aunt, who *you* insisted I write to?"

"No.  Next year you won't have to."  He turned the page of his paper.  "Ginny, tell the twins I'll see them in Diagon tomorrow.  Have them say they're going to hang with Alexander or something."

"Yes, sir."  She looked at Harry.  "Do you really think being normal around him will help him, Harry?  He's avoiding the subject totally."

"Maybe that's because he's already dealt with it and moved on," Remus told her.  "He may never change his mind, Ginny, but you two are close enough to almost be called friends."

"He calls me by my last name," Hermione complained, frowning greatly now.  "I still say mum was right."

"Hermione, give it up," Sirius told her.  "You're going to ruin him for the side of good and keep him from ever helping others.  Just leave the boy alone.  If you don't, I'll let Harry or Malfoy hex the skirt off you some day.  Or even that boy."

"I doubt he'd hex my clothes off," she said primly.

"It'd get a laugh, yes he would.  We did it often enough to Snape," Sirius told her. He turned the page again.  Remus shot him a dirty look and he smiled behind his paper.

"The boy's not fragile and he doesn't need therapy, Hermione," Remus said firmly.  "Just give up, all right?  You're only hurting him more and making others stare at him.  Even Malfoy's tired of you bothering him.  Even Parkinson was complaining about you at the train station from what I heard."  Sirius nodded.  "You're making the boy stand out and you're making him isolated.  Leave him alone, treat him like you do Ron or Harry."

"She fusses over us too," Harry told him.

"Well, you do need to study more," Hermione said firmly, scowling at him.

"Hermione, you're great, but you're not his mum," Remus replied with a scowl of his own.  "You don't have any children yet, save this stuff up for them."  She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him now.  "Do you really want to isolate Alexander?  Because you are.  You're giving him attention he hates and others are watching him too."

"That's because he's loud and swears," Ginny told him.

Remus rolled his eyes and moved to the floo, tossing in some floo powder.  "Molly Weasley."  She appeared.  "Help," he told her.  "They're trying to cure him and mother him."

She and Hermione's mother came out, coming to explain it to the girls like women would understand.  They didn't get any further than the guys did, but repetition can hammer a point into even the most stubborn and solid substance, Hermione's brain.


Alex got onto the train, looking around.  He found a seat by himself and locked the door using a fourth-year charm, then pulled out a comic book to look through.   Hermione blasted the door in and walked in, shutting it behind her with a repair spell.  "Out," he said firmly.

"I only wanted to talk."  She sat across from him, reaching over to touch him on the edge of his knee.  "Alexander, I'm sorry if my attempts to help you have caused you undue stress," she said gently.  "I only want to help you get past that horrible time in your life so you can be happier."

He looked over the edge of his comic.  "What makes you think I'm not now?"

"You still won't do homework."

He snorted and closed the book, keeping his thumb in his spot.  "Hermione, some people do things practically.  We learn better by doing than by reading or listening to lectures.  I'm one of them.  That's why the book approach to torture did nothing more than piss me off."  She looked stunned.  "Seriously, even if she hadn't done that, I probably still wouldn't like books.  You may learn best from a book but I learn best in a hands-on method.  I believe that's generally called different learning styles by those who study education for a living. That's why I don't like papers and homework, they do nothing to help me understand things.  Fortunately most of the teachers understand these things, that's why they let me be more practical.  Even if reading didn't give me a headache from the jumble of unnecessary words and information I have to wade and slog through to get to the point I need, I still would rather do things in a practical manner.  Now, is there anything else?"

"I'm sorry, Alexander.  I don't mean to harm you any more than you've already been."

"Then get out and let me read my comics."

"Fine.  If you need help with studying for the term tests, just let me know.  I've already made up schedules for Ron and Harry."

He shrugged, so she left.  He let out a long, deep breath then relocked the door after repairing it better.  Then he went back to reading.  Someone knocked, which was a nice change.  He looked over then unlocked it.  "It didn't work.  She's already offered to help me with a schedule for tests."

"I heard."  He came in and gave him a hug.  "You all right?"

"Better."  He gave him a weak grin.  "I'll be fine, Harry."

"Good.  We tried to have a talk with her and Ginny about leaving you alone.  Hermione thinks that the abuse you went through made you gay."

"No, I was probably gay all along.  After all, she couldn't do more than say mean things until I could learn how to read and take a beating."  He shrugged and reopened his comic.  "I'll be fine.  I may just shy away from them and hide in our room all the time."

"Sure.  I'll help you sneak out if you want," he promised with a grin.  "I'm off to sit with Ron.  Want to join us?"

"She'll be waiting in there like a predator pouncing prey.  I'd rather be eaten by something more fun," he said sarcastically.

"Sure," Harry agreed, grinning at him.  "If I didn't tell you, I loved the snowglobe."

Alex grinned at him.  "I thought you might.  Hogwarts was your first home."

"Have you ever thought about counseling those kids who need help, like I did?" he suggested.  "Remus suggested you might be very good at it."

"I might, but that's a lot like work and I've still got things I need to get past.  I do it informally when I can," he promised with a gentle smile.  "Go play with Granger, make her snap at your heels."  He heard a meow and looked down.  "Hi, Croonshanks.  Come to save Harry from me again?"  She rubbed against Harry's feet.  "You should go.  Her mistress is summoning you."

"Hmm, I suppose," he agreed, picking up the cat and walking out.  He handed her back to her mistress.  "Hermione, you already jumped him?" he yelled once the door was closed.

"I apologized!"

Draco walked past the door shaking his head.  "Some twats never learn," he sighed, heading to find an open compartment.  He found Alex reading a comic and stared at him, then back at their friends.  "Find somewhere to sit.  I'm going to say hi to Alex."  He tapped then undid the locking charm, sticking his head in.  "Want to sit with us?"

"I'm good."

"You sure, Alex?"

Alex grinned at him.  "I'm perfecting my dark and mysterious act.  How'm I doing?"

"Excellent so far.  You seem to have the broody, poetic loneliness down pat," he offered with a grin of his own.  "We won't mind and we won't even pick on your house too much."

Alex grinned.  "It's time to go back to those roles, Draco.  Go be the Prince of Hell, I mean Slytherin.  I'll be the Dark Gryffindor."  Draco snickered.  "It's fine.  I'll see you in the library for our first defense lesson?"

"Of course.  Did you remember that book for Potter?"

"Yeah, I'll give it to him and Ron later," he promised with a grin. "Thank you for making me get my bag this morning."

"You'd forget your underwear if someone didn't remind you to put some on," Draco teased, closing and relocking the door.  A prefect checking compartments gave him an odd look.  "Birmingham's in there.  It's his choice of lock spell."

"Fine.  I know he can do harder charms.  Go to your compartment, Mr. Malfoy."  He sneered and walked that way, back in role for the rest of the term.  She rolled her eyes.  She hated the Slytherins.  She knocked on the door and Alex waved without looking.  "You all right in there?"

"Fine. I can get it undone.  I taught him that one."

"That's fine then."  She walked on, checking the other compartments.  She found the Weasley twins plotting something and nearly shuddered in horror.  They were terrors on the whole school.  She found Potter and his Weasley engaged in a game of Snap and smiled, walking around Longbottom as he was chasing his toad again.  The rest were snug and the platform only had a few kids left on it.  She yanked the cord, the train whistle blew, and they jumped on, headed back for another term.

The End.

To Year Three:

To Index: